To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file
- The base URL for the OpenWeather API (
- The API key for the OpenWeather API. You can get one at
To set up the project, run the following command on the root folder after cloning the repository to install the dependencies
npm install
After installing the neccesary dependencies, run the following command on the terminal to run the dev server on port 3000
(default port) and serve the project on http://localhost:3000
npm run dev
To run tests, run the following command on the terminal
npm run test:unit
For support, email
End to end tests for the weather app with Cypress
Fetch, and cache the weather data from the OpenWeather API using Vue Query
If something is not clear or you need help - just ask :). Nobody knows everything!
- Read the task
- Create a project
- Please implement the project according to your own best standards,
- Tests, tdd
- Code guidelines
- Structure / architecture
- Refactoring
- Conventions
- For the layout bootstrap or plain design is enough
- Make sure to commit frequently
- Provide an overview which points you would improve if you had more time to work on the project
- Write code that is suitable for production
N.B.: Please do not make the repo publicly accessible. Send an archive of your repo to us instead, preferable through codesubmit.
Your app should be a client for the Open Weather Map API JSON api
Features that should work:
- Display the weather at random geographic coordinates
- A form with city and country that fetches and displays the weather in this city
- optional: cache the fetched weather data
- Gracefully handle the case where the city could not be found (display the information to the user)
Have fun!