A pythonic command-line arguments parser for bash shell.
This script, argparser, can help you write a much user-friendly command-line parsing code in your bash shell script. You could just register the arguments which are requied in your program. And then apgparser will finish the left: parses the comand-line paramters you supplied, automatically generates usage and help message.
- bash script file: mymv
source argparser
# register the arguments
argparser_add_arg source \
nargs=+ \
desc='source file or directory'
argparser_add_arg destination \
nargs=1 \
desc='where source file or directory will be moved to'
argparser_parse "$@"
# after doing argparser_parse, the values passed from the user should be binded correctly to the bash variables, source and destination.
echo "variable source: ${source[@]}"
echo "variable destination: $destination"
# do something using those variables
##/bin/mv "$source" "$destination"
- argparser could help you generate help docstring automatically
$ ./mymv -h
usage: mymv [-h] source destination
-h, --help show this help message and exit
source source file or directory
destination where source file or directory will be moved to
- argparser could help you bind values from command-line parameters to variables you registered using
$ ./mymv source/file1 source/file2 source/file3 dest/path
variable source: source/file1 source/file2 source/file3
variable destination: dest/path
1 Setup the argument parser For example:
argparser \
desc='Connect mysql database, and support extending options of mysql.' \
epilog='E.G. %(prog)s magic lims -se "SELECT * FROM gene LIMIT 1"'
2 Registering(adding) arguments For example:
argparser_add_arg host \
dest='which_host' nargs=1 \
desc='database host identifer. choose in [%(choices)s]' \
argparser_add_arg mysql_args \
nargs='remain' desc='arguments like mysql'
3 Parsing arguments For example:
argparser_parse "$@"
set -- "${mysql_args[@]}"