My contributions to #TidyTuesday.
2022 - Week 12 - US Baby Names
Looking at the popularity of my kids' names over time
Examining unequal broadband access in states
Comparing distributions over time of movies that pass and fail the Bechdel Test
2021 - Week 7 - Wealth and Income
Looking at income inequality in the US over time.
2020 - Week 43 - Great American Beer Festival
Tracking Virginia breweries' performance at the Great American Beer Festival over time.
K means clustering estimating types of Friends episodes based on exchanges between characters.
2020 - Week 32 - European Energy
European energy production in 2018
2020 - Week 25 - African American History
Progression of enslaved vs free African Americans in the US
2020 - Week 24 - African American Achievements
Notable black scientists, according to Wikipedia
2020 - Week 21 - Beach Volleyball
Stats for Kerri Walsh Jennings and Misty May-Treanor over time.
2020 - Week 18 - Broadway Musicals
Cumulative Broadway ticket sales for Les Mis.
Most acclaimed rap artist each year since 2000
2020 - Week 14 - Beer Production
Cartograms showing beer production by state
2020 - Week 13 - Traumatic Brain Injury
Heatmap showing percent of brain injuries by cause for different age groups
Analyzing Alex Ovechkin's performance against opposing teams.
2020 - Week 9 - MMR Vaccinations
Individual states with the county with the lowest mmr vaccination rate highlighted.
2020 - Week 7 - Hotel Reservations
Slopegraph with countries ranked by number of hotel bookings.
Bars with total wins from 2000-2019 and small multiples showing yearly wins by team.
Circle plot with length of songs by Maynard James Keenan's bands.
2020 - Week 3 - Common Passwords
Looking at the strength of association between a given letter and the subsequent letters in passwords.
Tracking the sentiments of Jim and Pam over each episode of The Office.
Network plot showing connections between lyrics in Bing Crosby's White Christmas album.
Circular barplot with most popular names of most common shelter breeds.
Week 49 - Philly Parking Tickets
Looking at day-to-day correlations of the number of tickets given across the four most common ticket types.
Examining whether any debt collection agencies are more effective than others
Week 46 - Cran Code: An exploration of the comment-to-code ratio in R packages
Week 44 - Squirrels!: Mapping squirrels seen near dogs in Central Park
Week 43 - Horror Movies: Sentiment analysis (and animated graph) of words in horror movie titles
Week 41 - Power Lifting: Distributions (using beeswarm plots) of bench, squat, and deadlift by gender