Implementation of distributed RL algorithms:
- Ape-X (
- R2D2 (
- PPO (
RBI: A safe reinforcement learning algorithm
Currently, supported environment is ALE
A distributed RL agent is composed of a single learning process and multiple actor process. Therefore, we need to execute two bash scripts one for the learner and one for the multiple actors.
choose <algorithm> as one of rbi|ape|ppo|r2d2|rbi_rnn
sh <algorithm> <identifier> <game> <new|resume>
resume is a number of experiment to resume. For example:
sh rbi qbert_debug qbert new
starts a new experiment, while:
sh rbi qbert_debug qbert 3
resumes experiment 3 with identifier qbert_debug
sh <algorithm> <identifier> <game> <resume>
right now there are two evaluation players in each actors script
- ctrl-c from the learner process terminal
- pkill -f "" (kills all the live actor processes)
- rm -r /dev/shm//rbi/* (clear the ramdisk filesystem)
ssh <username>@<server-address>
Use ssh-keygen and ssh-copy-id to avoid passwords:
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa user@host
copy anaconda file to server and run: sh
make new directory called tmux_tmp copy ncurses.tar.gz and tmx-2.5.tar.gz to tmux_tmp directory copy to server and run ./
setup directories, clone rbi and setup conda environment
mkdir -p ~/data/rbi/results
mkdir -p ~/data/rbi/logs
mkdir -p ~/projects
cd ~/projects
git clone
cd ~/projects/rbi
conda env create -f install/environment.yml
source activate torch1
pip install atari-py
We also provide a docker file and instructions to build and run the simulation in a docker container.
Please first, install nvidia-docker:
To build the docker container:
cd install
docker image build --tag local:rbi .
To run the docker container:
nvidia-docker run --rm -it --net=host --ipc=host --name rbi1 local:rbi bash
There are three ways to evaluate the learning progress and agent performance
Each run logs several evaluation metrics such as: (1) loss function (2) network weights (3) score statistics (mean, std, min, max)
To view the tensorboar run an ssh port-forwarding command
ssh -L <port>:<port> <server>
and from the server terminal run
cd <outputdir>/results
tensorboard --logdir:<name>:<run directory> --port<port>
To view a live agent run the evaluate.ipynb notebook. Use the identifier name and the resume parameter to choose the required run. You may also need to change the basedir parameter.
Performance logs are stored to numpy files and in the end of the run a postprocessing process stores all logs into a pandas dataframe. These dataframes may be used to plot the performance graph with the script.