Control library for CRP42602Y auto-reverse cassette tape deck mechanism
- Generate solenoid pull timing for the function gear of CRP42602Y to support Play A/B, Cueing and Stop control
- Perform auto-stop action by rotation sensor of CRP42602Y
- Support 3 auto-reverse modes (One way, One round and Infinite round)
- Support timeout power disable to stop motor when no operations (optional)
- Provide commands and callbacks for user interface
- Raspberry Pi Pico (rp2040)
- CRP42602Y mechanism
- Need additional circuit to drive solenoid
Pin # | Name | Function | Connection |
1 | REC_B_SW | Rec. protection switch of B side (0: not protected, 1: protected) |
to Pico GPIO input |
2 | ROTATION_SENS | Rotation sensor | to Pico GPIO input |
3 | GEAR_STATUS_SW | Gear status switch (0: in function, 1 not in function) |
to Pico GPIO input |
4 | SOLENOID_1 | Solenoid coil 1 | from solenoid driver circuit |
5 | SOLENOID_2 | Solenoid coil 2 | from solenoid driver circuit |
6 | GND | GND | GND |
7 | CASSETTE_DETECT_SW | Cassette detection switch (0: detected, 1: not detected) |
to Pico GPIO input |
8 | P12V | 12V Power for motor and IR LED for rotation sensor |
from power circuit |
9 | REC_A_SW | Rec. protection switch of A side (0: not protected, 1: protected) |
to Pico GPIO input |
Pico Pin # | GPIO | Function | Connection |
4 | GP2 | GPIO Output | to SOLENOID_CTRL of additional circuit (0: release, 1: pull) |
5 | GP3 | GPIO Input | CASSETTE_DETECT from CRP42602Y pin 7 |
6 | GP4 | GPIO Input | GEAR_STATUS_SW from CRP42602Y pin 3 |
7 | GP5 | GPIO Input | ROTATION_SENS from CRP42602Y pin 2 |
8 | GND | GND | GND |
9 | GP6 | GPIO Output | to POWER_CTRL (optional) (0: disable, 1: enable) |
Pin assignments are configurable
The solenoid driver part is needed at least.
Polarity information is relative, however, L/R polarities should be aligned.
- See "Getting started with Raspberry Pi Pico"
- Put "pico-sdk", "pico-examples" and "pico-extras" on the same level with this project folder.
- Set environmental variables for PICO_SDK_PATH, PICO_EXTRAS_PATH and PICO_EXAMPLES_PATH
- Confirmed with Pico SDK 2.1.0
> git clone -b 2.1.0
> cd pico-sdk
> git submodule update -i
> cd ..
> git clone -b sdk-2.1.0
> git clone -b sdk-2.1.0
> git clone -b main
> cd pico_crp42602y_ctrl
> git submodule update -i
> cd ..
- Build is confirmed with Developer Command Prompt for VS 2022 and Visual Studio Code on Windows environment
- Confirmed with cmake-3.27.2-windows-x86_64 and gcc-arm-none-eabi-10.3-2021.10-win32
- Lanuch "Developer Command Prompt for VS 2022"
> cd pico_crp42602y_ctrl
> cd samples\xxxx
> mkdir build && cd build
> cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" ..
> nmake
- Put "xxxx.uf2" on RPI-RP2 drive
- Build is confirmed with pico-sdk-dev-docker:sdk-2.1.0-1.0.0
- Confirmed with cmake-3.22.1 and arm-none-eabi-gcc (15:10.3-2021.07-4) 10.3.1
$ cd pico_crp42602y_ctrl
$ cd samples/xxxx
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make -j4
- Download "xxxx.uf2" on RPI-RP2 drive