- clone repository
- python setup.py sdist
- pip install dist/nbhelper-<VERSION>.tar.gz
I probably won't add this to PyPI since it lacks polish and have no plans to update or maintain it outside of when I am using it, that being said, I don't see any of the functionality here breaking anytime soon.
Override settings
- use these to change directories if you aren't using the default directory structure of nbgrader
- use select to perform a check or fix only on specific students
Fixing notebooks
- if you forgot to make your notebook into an assignment before releasing or have answers without nbgrader metadata (try not to do this!), use add
- if you want to add extra test cells after releasing an assignment (you're better off adding empty test cells just in case and modifying them later), use add
- if nbgrader autograde is complaining about test case points or duplicate grade_ids, use fix (and instruct students not to mess with cells)
- if there are other metadata issues with cells, use meta to fix assignment cells with the correct metadata from the source
- if there are still issues with the students notebook, use rmcells to remove everything not specifically part of the assignment
- if the notebook still won't autograde, use forcegrade (these won't appear in gradebook.db and feedback won't be generated from them)
- if you are having permission issues, use chmod (convenient wrapper to run chmod on all submissions)
Getting grades
- use the arguments under notebook checks after running nbgrader autograde and generate_feedback
Emailing feedback
- if you don't have an exchange setup, or your university has a policy against students viewing the grades and feedback of others (nbgrader release_feedback uses the outbound exchange which all students have read permission for)
- use zip to collect all feedbacks
- use ckdir to test your command and folder structure
- replace ckdir with email in your command and follow the prompts
Backing up
- REMEMBER TO BACKUP YOUR NOTEBOOKS REGULARLY with backup, submitted and source are most important
Deprecated features
- these probably still work, but aren't really useful
usage: nbhelper.py [-h] [--nbhelp]
[--cdir path] [--sdir path] [--odir path]
[--add AssignName NbName.ipynb]
[--fix AssignName NbName.ipynb]
[--meta AssignName NbName.ipynb]
[--forcegrade AssignName NbName.ipynb]
[--sortcells AssignName NbName.ipynb]
[--rmcells AssignName NbName.ipynb]
[--select StudentID [StudentID ...]]
[--info AssignName]
[--mknb AssignName NbName.ipynb FileName.extension]
[--moss AssignName] [--getmoss]
[--dist AssignName] [--fdist AssignName]
[--email AssignName|zip NbName.html|feedback.zip]
[--ckdir AssignName NbName.extension]
[--ckgrades AssignName]
[--ckdup NbName.extension]
[--chmod rwx AssignName]
[--avenue-collect submissions.zip AssignName]
[--zip AssignName [AssignName ...]]
[--zipfiles NbName.html [NbName.html ...]]
[--backup nbgrader_step]
A collection of helpful functions for use with jupyter nbgrader. Designed to
be placed in <course_dir>/nbhelper.py by default with the structure:
where nbgrader_step = source|release|submitted|autograded|feedback
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
override settings:
--cdir path Override path to course_dir (default: current
--sdir path Override path to source directory
--odir path Override path to the submitted, autograded, or
feedback directory
--select StudentID [StudentID ...]
Select specific students to fix their notebooks
without having to run on the entire class (WARNING:
moves student(s) to <course_dir>/nbhelper-select-tmp
then moves back unless an error was encountered)
notebook fixes:
--add AssignName NbName.ipynb
Add missing nbgrader cell metadata and test cells to
submissions using the corresponding file in source as
a template by matching function names (python only),
template must be updated with nbgrader cells
--fix AssignName NbName.ipynb
Update test points by using the corresponding file in
source as a template and matching the cell's grade_id,
also combines duplicate grade_ids
--meta AssignName NbName.ipynb
Fix cell metadata by replacing with that of source,
matches based on grade_id
--forcegrade AssignName NbName.ipynb
For particularly troublesome student notebooks that
fail so badly they don't even autograde or produce
proper error messages (you should run this command
with --select), this partially does autograders job:
combines the hidden test cases with the submission but
places it in <course_dir>/nbhelper-
then tries executing it via command line. You can also
run and test this notebook yourself, then move this
'autograded' notebook to the autograded directory and
use --dist to 'grade' it (make sure failed tests
retain their errors or they'll count as 'correct',
grades are not entered in gradebook.db)
--sortcells AssignName NbName.ipynb
Sort cells of student notebooks to match order of
source, matches based on grade_id
--rmcells AssignName NbName.ipynb
MAKE SURE YOU BACKUP FIRST - Removes all student cells
that do not have a grade_id that matches the source
notebook (and sorts the ones that do) - this function
is destructive and should be used as a last resort
--chmod rwx AssignName
Run chmod rwx on all submissions for an assignment
(linux only)
notebook checks:
--moss AssignName Exports student answer cells as files and optionally
check with moss using <course_dir>/moss/moss.pl
--getmoss Downloads moss script with your userid to
<course_dir>/moss/moss.pl then removes it after use
--dist AssignName Gets distribution of scores across test cells from
autograded notebooks and writes each student's results
to <course_dir>/reports/<AssignName>/dist-<NbName>.csv
--fdist AssignName Gets distribution of scores across test cells from
feedback (factoring in manual grading) and writes each
student's results to
--ckdir AssignName NbName.extension
Check <course_dir>/feedback directory (change with
--odir) by printing studentIDs and matching files to
make sure it is structured properly
--ckgrades AssignName
Checks for consistency between 'nbgrader export',
'dist', and 'fdist', and writes grades to
notebook management:
--email AssignName|zip NbName.html|feedback.zip
Email feedback to students (see EMAIL_CONFIG in
script, prompts for unset fields)
--avenue-collect submissions.zip AssignName
Basically zip collect but tailored to avenue (LMS by
D2L), uses <course_dir>/classlist.csv to lookup
Student IDs using names from submissions, overwrites
submissions in submitted directory, backup first!
--zip AssignName [AssignName ...]
Combine multiple feedbacks into
--zipfiles NbName.html [NbName.html ...]
Same as zip but matches files instead of assignment
--backup nbgrader_step
Backup nbgrader_step directory to
deprecated features:
--info AssignName Get some quick info (student id, file size, cell
count, total execution count, [grade id : execution
count]) of all submissions and writes to
--mknb AssignName NbName.ipynb FileName.extension
Try and make an autogradable notebook from a plain
source code file by cramming everything in the first
answer cell then appending all the test cells
--ckdup NbName.extension
Checks all submitted directories for NbName.extension
and reports subfolders containing multiple files of
the same extension