Smart Warehouse 2 - Robotics Lab 2020 - Master's Degree Automation Engineering University of Naples Federico II
A ROS/Gazebo Warehouse_2 project for Robotics Lab made by Eliana La Frazia and Andrea Cavaliere ( and The pioneer folder is an adaption of the Pioneer model made by Rafael Berkvens and Mario Serna Hernández. More details in the report.
$ cd <catkin_ws>/src
$ git clone
$ cd ..
$ catkin_make
If there are same actionlib errors during the compilation of the packages "smart_warehouse_2" and "smartwarehouse_opencv" it is recommended:
$ catkin_make -DCATKIN_WHITELIST_PACKAGES="smart_warehouse_2"
$ catkin_make -DCATKIN_WHITELIST_PACKAGES="smartwarehouse_opencv"
To make sure your workspace is properly overlayed by the setup script:
$ source <catkin_ws>/devel/
to launch the system see Execution Example
--move base and navigation--
$ sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-move-base ros-melodic-move-base-msgs
$ sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-gmapping
$ sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-amcl
$ sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-map-server
$ sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-dwa-local-planner
OpenCv can be compiled and installed after downloaded the desired version on this page:
--Move-it!, ros-industrial and ABB stack--
$ sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-moveit ros-melodic-moveit-plugins ros-melodic-moveit-planners
$ sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-industrial-core
$ sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-abb
---probably already downloaded dependencies but needed--
If the user needs to tune the rgb exact values the camera has to detect, he/she can follow this step. The default colours are red and blue.
Every step has to be done in all separate shells:
1)Launching Gazebo and spawning robots
$ roslaunch smart_warehouse_2 warehouse2.launch
2)Go to /smartwarehouse_opencv/launch/identify_boxes.launch and change the value of the parameter "set_RGB" to TRUE and launch it.
$ roslaunch smartwarehouse_opencv identify_boxes.launch
3)Define the desired ranges of rgb values and change them into the identify_boxes.launch. Then change the value of the parameter "set_RGB" to FALSE and launch it again as the previous step 2). Finally execute the step 2) (Launch Move-it! Core) and from step 4) onwards of the following steps.
If the user doesn't need to tune the rgb values, he/she can follow this step.
Every step has to be done in all separate shells:
1)Launching Gazebo and spawning robots
$ roslaunch smart_warehouse_2 warehouse2.launch
2)Launch Move-it! Core. After the launch it's possible to close the gui of RVIZ (RVIZ window).
$ roslaunch abb_irb6640_gazebo moveit_planning_execution_gazebo.launch
3)Run object-tracker node
$ rosrun smartwarehouse_opencv obj_tracker
4)Launch pioneer move base and AMCL
$ roslaunch p3dx_move moving_map.launch
5)Run Pioneer robot node
$ rosrun p3dx_move pioneer_p3dx_1
6) Run Pioneer manager node
$ rosrun p3dx_move p3dx_manager
7)Run ABB pick and place task manager
$ rosrun smart_warehouse_2 abb_pp_task
It's possible to launch a world with 2 Pioneers 3DX, it's not necessary to accomplish the task but it would have been a shame to delete it.
To make it available go to /smart_warehouse_2/warehouse.launch and uncomment the last part od the code, in pioneer_p3dx_model/p3dx_move/src/p3dx_manager.cpp set the variable p3dx_2_ready to "true"(row 86), get back to catkin_ws/ and launch the command "$ catkin_make". Then between steps 5) and 6)
$ roslaunch p3dx_move moving_map2.launch
$ rosrun p3dx_move pioneer_p3dx_2
to work together ad their best the system needs more testing, check the report for issues.
to create a new map, first launch the gazebo world (step 1) then in two separate shells
$ roslaunch p3dx_move moving_no_map.launch
$ roslaunch p3dx_move rviz.launch