- Submit in Groups of 2
- Elias Al Homsi 260797449
- Jay Abi Saad 260801368
- We made changes on how the program read its input (through arguments instead through prompt)
- We made changes and made everything class design
Here is the problem you need to solve. You are given N number of cities. You need to design a communication network connecting these cities. The costs of connecting the cities using fiber optic cables are given. This is called a cost matrix M. M is symmetric. The reliabilities of connecting the cities (i.e., the reliabilities of the fiber optic connections between the cities) are given by the matrix R. Your program needs to output a design to meet the following requirements
- Meet a given reliability goal.
- Maximize reliability subject to a given cost constraint
Your program should take a text file as input defining the parameters. Here is the format of the input file. N # number of cities N(N-1)/2 numbers # costs of inter-city connecting N(N-1)/2 numbers # reliabilities of inter-city connections
# this is a comment - skip lines starting with a hash
# number of nodes
# symmetric reliability matrix - stored in row major form
0.94 0.91 0.96 0.93 0.92 0.94 0.97 0.91 0.92 0.94 0.90 0.94 0.93 0.96 0.91
# symmetric cost matrix - stored in row major form
10 25 10 20 30 10 10 25 20 20 40 10 20 10 30
# end
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FILE_PATH, --input-file FILE_PATH
InputFile to work on by default: input.txt
the reliability goal of the network
the cost constraint of the network
python main.py -f input.txt -r 0.9 -c 80