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Releases: eliddell1/FistBump

Removed FInal Aircrack Suite Dependency

03 Nov 20:49
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Removed airmon-ng check kill and replaced with a manual killing of wpa_supplicant. This makes for a faster set up at the start of an attack and the removal of the last aircrack-ng suite dependency.

Added Catalog of captured handhsakes

02 Nov 23:47
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Added the creation of a .catalog file for every handshake capture or .2500 file, so user can easily open the .catalog file of the same date/timestamp to see what ESSID's handshake hashes exist in that file.

also cleaned up some unused files

Added Targeting Support

30 Oct 18:53
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With this revision, you can now target specific networks by saving a file named targets.txt to the removable USB drive with the BSSID(s) of your target(s) minus the colons. For instance, if your target BSSID is XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX, your targets.txt file will say XXXXXXXXXXXX. For multiple targets just put each BSSID on a new line. HcxDumptool supports up to 64 specific targets. To revert back to a broad untargeted attack, simply remove the targets.txt file from your removable storage.

This revision also fixes a bug where the device was not returning to the armed/ready state when the USB removable storage was not present. My bad. I had commented out a line of code in testing that I forgot to put back.

username:pi password:fistbump

Migration to HcxDump

29 Oct 07:30
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This revision migrates away from the aircrack-ng suite and instead leverages hcxdumptool. This implementation not only makes for a faster attack but also allows for both, 4way Handshake and PMKID attack vectors. It also converts the captured hashes to be ready for Hashcat.

Coming minor releases on this version will likely leverage other capabilities of the hcxdumptool set, like outputting of plain master keys, usernames, identities and maybe even gps.

I'm experimenting with them now. I may also include John the ripper outputs. stay tuned!

username:pi password:fistbump

First Release

27 Oct 17:18
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This is the initial working release of the FistBump pi image.
Built off Raspbian Stretch with Aircrack and cowpatty installed as well as all scripts found in this repository.

username:pi password:fistbump
