Code to pull data from BrAPI endpoints and create an ISA representation of the experiments in a MIAPPE compliant way. This script is part of the Data Validation implementation study of ELIXIR.
The mapping from ISA to MIAPPE is fully documented here:
- python 3.7 +
- following python modules:
- isatools
- requests
- pycountry-convert
- cachetools
- markupsafe
NOTE: For better MIAPPE compliance, make sure to have isatools v0.12.0 + installed.
Allows to use this program as a python pip package.
Install the package with:
pip install git+ssh://
or clone this repository and exicute this in the root of the directory:
pip install .
brapi2isa [options…]
or exicuting in the cloned directory:
python [options…]
Mandatory options:
- -e, --endpoint A BrAPI server endpoint
- -t, --trials Comma separated list of trial Ids. Use 'all' to get all trials
or - -s, --studies Comma separated list of study Ids
- -J, --json flag to deactivate json dump
- -V, --validator flag to deactivate validation
- -F, --flatten flag to generate a flattened data file based on observationTimStamp
A valid BrAPI endpoint with following GET calls implemented:
- /trials
- /trials/{trialDbId}
- /studies/{studyDbId}
- /studies/{studyDbId}/observationunits or /phenotypes-search
- /studies/{studyDbId}/observationvariables
- /studies/{studyDbId}/germplasm and possibly
- /germplasm/{germplasmDbId}
Test your endpoints here for BrAPI compliance.
BrAPI to isa is tested and optimized for BrAPI version 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3. NOTE: BrAPI 2.0 is NOT yet supported
- Meta-data in ISA-tab
- 1 investigation file (i_investigation.txt)
- 1 study file / study (s_*.txt)
- 1 assay file / study / observation level (a_*.txt)
- Meta-data in 1 ISA-JSON file (*.json)
- 1 Trait definition file / study (t_*.txt)
- 1 Data file in tabular format / observation level (d_*.txt)
- 1 Validation log file (*_validation_log.json)
Output will be put into a subfolder /outputdir
BrAPI v1.3 and earlier does not support all the necessary attributes that are needed for MIAPPE compliance. These fields will be filled in with "NA in BrAPI"
. Be aware that these fields are not detected by the validator since they are filled in with a string.
Values that are supported by BrAPI but are not implemented in the given endpoint, will be filled in with "NA in endpoint"
The dumped ISA-tab files are automatically validated by the ISA-API using the MIAPPE configuration files. This to ensure MIAPPE compliance. Check the generated validation_log.json file for more details.
To determine the NCBI taxon-id following link is used:
To fetch all the ontologies and there corresponding information, following link is used:
python -e -s dXJuOlVSR0kvc3R1ZHkvUklHVzE=
python -e -t aHR0cDovL2R4LmRvaS5vcmcvMTAuMTE4Ni8xNDcxLTIyMjktMTItMTcz
python -e -t dXJuOlVSR0kvdHJpYWwvNw==
python -e -t all
python -e -t 2
python -e -t 2
This setup is to be used with Docker for easy dependency requirements.
docker build -t brapi2isa -f Dockerfile .
docker run -it -v <absolutepath>/outputdir:/outputdir brapi2isa -t <your trial DbId> -e <your endpoint>
docker-compose build && docker-compose run BrAPI2ISA -t <your trial DbId> -e <your endpoint>
docker-compose build && docker-compose run <>
Where <> can be following values:
- test_trial
- test_study
- test_pippa
Output will be put into a subfolder /outputdir
- - MIAPPE v1.1 checklist
- - BrAPI <-> MIAPPE mapping
- - BrAPI documentation
Copyright (c) 2019, ELIXIR Europe
All rights reserved.