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Jitter buffer initial
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sgfn committed Aug 20, 2024
1 parent 6d67f23 commit 6f121fa
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Showing 9 changed files with 1,012 additions and 1 deletion.
181 changes: 181 additions & 0 deletions lib/ex_webrtc/rtp/jitter_buffer.ex
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@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
defmodule ExWebRTC.RTP.JitterBuffer do
@moduledoc """
Buffers and reorders RTP packets based on `sequence_number`, introducing controlled latency
in order to combat network jitter and improve the QoS.

# Heavily inspired by:

use GenServer

alias ExWebRTC.RTP.JitterBuffer.PacketStore

@default_latency_ms 200

@typedoc """
Messages sent by the `#{inspect(__MODULE__)}` process to its controlling process.
* `{:packet, packet}` - packet flushed from the buffer
@type message() :: {:jitter_buffer, pid(), {:packet, ExRTP.Packet.t()}}

@typedoc """
Options that can be passed to `#{inspect(__MODULE__)}.start_link/1`.
* `controlling_process` - a pid of a process where all messages will be sent. `self()` by default.
* `latency` - latency introduced by the buffer, in milliseconds. `#{@default_latency_ms}` by default.
@type options :: [{:controlling_process, Process.dest()}, {:latency, non_neg_integer()}]

@doc """
Starts a new `#{inspect(__MODULE__)}` process.
`#{inspect(__MODULE__)}` is a `GenServer` under the hood, thus this function allows for
passing the generic `t:GenServer.options/0` as an argument.
Note: The buffer *won't* output any packets
until `#{inspect(__MODULE__)}.start_timer/1` is called.
@spec start(options(), GenServer.options()) :: GenServer.on_start()
def start(opts \\ [], gen_server_opts \\ []) do
opts = Keyword.put_new(opts, :controlling_process, self())
GenServer.start(__MODULE__, opts, gen_server_opts)

@doc """
Starts and links to a new `#{inspect(__MODULE__)}` process.
Works identically to `start/2`, but links to the calling process.
@spec start_link(options(), GenServer.options()) :: GenServer.on_start()
def start_link(opts \\ [], gen_server_opts \\ []) do
opts = Keyword.put_new(opts, :controlling_process, self())
GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, opts, gen_server_opts)

@doc """
Starts the initial latency timer.
The buffer will start to output packets `latency` milliseconds after this function is called.
@spec start_timer(GenServer.server()) :: :ok
def start_timer(buffer) do
GenServer.cast(buffer, :start_timer)

@doc """
Places a packet in the JitterBuffer.
Returns `:ok` even if the packet was rejected due to being late.
@spec place_packet(GenServer.server(), ExRTP.Packet.t()) :: :ok
def place_packet(buffer, packet) do
GenServer.cast(buffer, {:packet, packet})

@doc """
Flushes all remaining packets and resets the JitterBuffer.
After flushing, the rollover counter is set to `0` and the buffer *won't* output any packets
until `#{inspect(__MODULE__)}.start_timer/1` is called again.
@spec flush(GenServer.server()) :: :ok
def flush(buffer) do
GenServer.cast(buffer, :flush)

@impl true
def init(opts) do
owner = Keyword.fetch!(opts, :controlling_process)
latency = opts[:latency] || @default_latency_ms

state = %{
latency: latency,
owner: owner,
store: %PacketStore{},
waiting?: true,
max_latency_timer: nil

{:ok, state}

@impl true
def handle_cast(:start_timer, state) do
Process.send_after(self(), :initial_latency_passed, state.latency)
{:noreply, state}

@impl true
def handle_cast({:packet, packet}, state) do
state =
case PacketStore.insert_packet(, packet) do
{:ok, result} ->
state = %{state | store: result}

if state.waiting?, do: state, else: send_packets(state)

{:error, :late_packet} ->

{:noreply, state}

@impl true
def handle_cast(:flush, %{store: store} = state) do
|> PacketStore.dump()
|> Enum.each(&process_flushed_record(&1, state.owner))

{:noreply, %{state | store: %PacketStore{}, waiting?: true}}

@impl true
def handle_info(:initial_latency_passed, state) do
state = %{state | waiting?: false} |> send_packets()
{:noreply, state}

@impl true
def handle_info(:send_packets, state) do
state = %{state | max_latency_timer: nil} |> send_packets()
{:noreply, state}

defp send_packets(%{store: store} = state) do
# Flushes packets that stayed in queue longer than latency and any gaps before them
{too_old_records, store} = PacketStore.flush_older_than(store, state.latency)
# Additionally, flush packets as long as there are no gaps
{gapless_records, store} = PacketStore.flush_ordered(store)

Enum.each(too_old_records ++ gapless_records, &process_flushed_record(&1, state.owner))

%{state | store: store} |> set_timer()

# TODO: nil -- missing packet (maybe owner should be notified about that)
defp process_flushed_record(nil, _owner), do: :noop
defp process_flushed_record(%{packet: packet}, owner), do: notify(owner, {:packet, packet})

defp notify(owner, msg), do: send(owner, {:jitter_buffer, self(), msg})

defp set_timer(%{max_latency_timer: nil, latency: latency} = state) do
new_timer =
case PacketStore.first_record_timestamp( do
nil ->

timestamp_ms ->
since_insertion = System.monotonic_time(:millisecond) - timestamp_ms
send_after_time = max(0, latency - since_insertion)

Process.send_after(self(), :send_packets, send_after_time)

%{state | max_latency_timer: new_timer}

defp set_timer(%{max_latency_timer: timer} = state) when timer != nil, do: state

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