This repository contains samples of code used for my PhD research. My dissertation is titled Climate, environment, neighborhood, & health: Pediatric asthma in Kansas City and investigates how the spatial and temporal variation of acute pediatric asthma relates to the complex interactions between social, environmental, and climatic systems.
We took a Bayesian approach to modeling the interactions between race, income, greenspace, and PM2.5. Included are code samples for processing data, modeling relationships, and interpreting results. These samples are not fully inclusive of this research but rather an overview of techniques, process, and style.
- Data processing:
- Using tidycensus to download TIGER tract geometries and calculating the daily acute asthma count per tract
- Using Google Earth Engine to calculate land surface temperature (LST) and fractional vegetation (Fr) for each census tract
- Merging datasets and calculating summary measures for each census tract
- Models:
- Running and saving Bayesian models, including specifying priors for the parameters
- Data visualization:
- Data visualization including mapping spatial variation and evaluating model output
- Tables:
- Creating publication-ready LaTeX tables