This is fork of primefac Module.
Caution: This software is forked from primefac v1.1 and has not kept up with the latest version of primefac.
- use a fast function, in
- Implement fermat factorization
- Use factordb module for large number
- Python Python 3.x
- To faster factorization, primefac-fork uses gmpy2 so you need to install it (gmpy will install in below installation process).
- To factor with collective intelligence, primefac-fork uses factordb-pycli module. also this package will install in below.
- You can execute primefac-fork without factordb as follows:
python -m primefac -m=prb,p-1,p+1,ecm,mpqs,fermat YOUR_NUMBER_HERE
- You can execute primefac-fork without factordb as follows:
This software released under the MIT License.
To install directly from this repository:
pip install git+git://