VarSCAT is an open-source, a command-line based tool written in Python for annotating variant sequence context. VarSCAT takes a VCF file as input, together with a reference sequence, to give various information about sequence context of normalized variants. The adjacent sequence annotation module has functions to give breakpoint ambiguous information about 5’ aligned positions, 3’ aligned positions, effected regions of variants, HGVS nomenclature, distance to 3’ direction adjacent variants, flanking bases of REF and ALT, and also able to do custom annotations with user-provided files. With a given genomic coordinates, VarSCAT could output sequences of the wildtype sequence and the mutated sequence that contain variants, as well as its complementary sequence. The tandem repeat annotation module can analyze sequence context around variants and annotate putative tandem repeat regions that contain variants with user defined parameters for purity, composition, and size of putative tandem repeats.
Wang N, Khan S, Elo LL (2023) VarSCAT: A computational tool for sequence context annotations of genomic variants. PLoS Comput Biol 1 (8): e1010727.
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate VarSCAT
pip install -r requirements.txt
for pip install, bedtools and htslib should be installed manually. So we recommended install VarSCAT with conda.
Currently tested on CentOS 7.9 and ubuntu 20.04, Windows is not supported due to dependencies
VarSCAT were tested with python 3.6.8 and the versions of dependencies are listed as follows
- PyVCF3==1.0.2 (
- Biopython=1.76 (
- Pandas==1.1.5, lastest version on python3.6 (
- pysam==0.18.0 (
- ordered-set==4.0.2, lastest version on python3.6 (
- pyfaidx==0.6.4, lastest version on python3.6 (
- packaging==21.3 (This dependency is for pyfaidx to read bgzip compressed reference fasta.)
- pybedtools==0.7.10 (
- bedtools==2.30.0 (
- htslib==1.9 (
Because of dependency, the speed of reading bgzip reference fasta is slower than plain fasta. The plain fasta is recommended at the moment.
The reference sequence file should be indexed with samtools (
The VCF file should be indexed if specific locations need to be analyzed (
Output 5' align positions, 3' align positions, 3' edge positions, flanking bases of variants, HGVS nomenclature and distance to 3' variants
python -A --LRP 1 --HGVS 1 --flank 1 --neighbor 1 --vcf ./data/test.vcf.gz --reference ./data/test.fa --output output
Chromosome Position REF ALT ID SAMPLE 5'_aligned 3'_aligned 3'_edge ref_sequence alt_sequence HGVS distance_3_nearest_Var(bp)
chr_test 22 G A . 0|1 22 22 22 CGT CAT chr_test:g.22G>A 3
chr_test 25 T TA . 0|1 25 26 26 TAT TAAT chr_test:g.26dup 3
chr_test 29 G A . 1|1 29 29 29 TGC TAC chr_test:g.29G>A 3
chr_test 32 G A . 1|1 32 32 32 AGT AAT chr_test:g.32G>A 4
chr_test 35 GTA G . 0|1 36 49 50 GTATATATATATATATC G--TATATATATATATC chr_test:g.37AT[6] 3
chr_test 53 C G . 1|1 53 53 53 ACG AGG chr_test:g.53C>G 3
chr_test 56 G T . 1|1 56 56 56 AGT ATT chr_test:g.56G>T 4
chr_test 59 CA C . 0|1 60 75 75 CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAG C-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAG chr_test:g.75del 3
chr_test 78 T C . 0|1 78 78 78 GTA GCA chr_test:g.78T>C
Output the reference sequence, the mutated sequence and the reverse complement of mutated sequence for a specfici location
python -A --mut_seq 1 --complement 1 --location chr_test:20-30 --vcf ./data/test.vcf.gz --reference ./data/test.fa --output output_location
>Ref_seq chr_test:20-30
>Mut_seq chr_test:20-30 SNV=2 INS=1 DEL=0
>Reverse_complement_Mut_seq .
Parse variants for several locations in a bed file
python -A --LRP 1 --HGVS 1 --flank 1 --neighbor 1 --annotation ./data/custom.bed --bed ./data/regions.bed --vcf ./data/test.vcf.gz --reference ./data/test.fa --output output_bed
Chromosome Position REF ALT ID SAMPLE 5'_aligned 3'_aligned 3'_edge ref_sequence alt_sequence HGVS distance_3_nearest_Var(bp) Ann_loc Ann_info
chr_test 22 G A . 0|1 22 22 22 CGT CAT chr_test:g.22G>A 3
chr_test 25 T TA . 0|1 25 26 26 TAT TAAT chr_test:g.26dup 3 chr_test:25-38 anno_A
chr_test 29 G A . 1|1 29 29 29 TGC TAC chr_test:g.29G>A 24 chr_test:25-38 anno_A
chr_test 53 C G . 1|1 53 53 53 ACG AGG chr_test:g.53C>G 3 chr_test:53-65 anno_B
chr_test 56 G T . 1|1 56 56 56 AGT ATT chr_test:g.56G>T 4 chr_test:53-65 anno_B
chr_test 59 CA C . 0|1 60 75 75 CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAG C-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAG chr_test:g.75del chr_test:53-65 anno_B
Output flanking bases of variants and tandem repeat regions with default setting
python -A --flank 1 -T --vcf ./data/test.vcf.gz --reference ./data/test.fa --output output_TR
Chromosome Position REF ALT ID SAMPLE ref_sequence alt_sequence Motifs Copy_number Size Start End Repeat_Score Alignment_Score Match% Mismatch% Gap% Repeat_GC% Copy_number_change
chr_test 22 G A . 0|1 CGT CAT
chr_test 25 T TA . 0|1 TAT TAAT
chr_test 29 G A . 1|1 TGC TAC
chr_test 32 G A . 1|1 AGT AAT
chr_test 35 GTA G . 0|1 GTATATATATATATATC G--TATATATATATATC TA 7 2 36 49 7.0 14.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1
chr_test 53 C G . 1|1 ACG AGG
chr_test 56 G T . 1|1 AGT ATT
chr_test 59 CA C . 0|1 CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAG C-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAG A 16 1 60 75 16.0 16.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1
chr_test 78 T C . 0|1 GTA GCA
If two modules are used together, the commom parameters '--vcf','--reference','--location','--bed','--based' and '--output' should be only announced once. Results of two modules will be merged in one file. If no module is given, the output will be normalized variant list in txt format.
Main: python -h
VarSCAT: Variant Sequence Context Annotation Tool (v1.1.0)
Help main:
-A,--Adjacent: adjacent sequence annotation module.
-T,--TR: tandem repeat annotation module.
-h,--help: help page. (-h, -A -h, -T -h)
Two modules can be used together or separate.
If two modules are used together, the commom parameters '--vcf','--reference','--location','--bed','--based' and '--output' should be only announced once. Results of two modules will be merged in one file. If no module is given, the output will be normalized variant list in txt format.
Adjacent Sequence annotation module: python -A -h
Adjacent Sequence Annotation Module:
Required parameters:
--vcf: input VCF file. (The VCF file should be indexed if "--location" or "--bed" is activated, a tbi file of the VCF is required)
--reference: input reference sequencing file. (The reference sequence should be indexed, a fai file is required)
--based: 0-based or 1-based reference coordination. (default:1)
--output: prefix of output file.
Optional parameters:
--location: a genome location needs to be parsed. (format chrx:xxxx-xxxx)
--bed: a bed file contains genome locations need to be parsed.("choromosome", "start", "end" are required)
--LRP: output the 5' aligned (left-most) and 3' aligned (right most) coordinates and 3' edge positions of variants. (default=0, 0:false,1:true)
--HGVS: output the HGVS nomenclature (default=0, 0:false,1:true. Note: According to HGVS recommendation, the reference sequence can only be NCBI Reference Sequence,user should know the corresponding accession and version of the used reference)
--flank: output the flank bases of variants. (default=0, 0:false,1:true)
--neighbor: output the distance to 3' direction nearest variant. (default=0, 0:false,1:true)
--mut_seq: output the reference and mutated sequence based on variants. (default=0, 0:false,1:true. Note: valid with "--location")
--complement: output the reverse complement sequence of mutated sequence. (default=0, 0:false,1:true. Note: valid with "--mut_seq")
--annotation: annotate variants with custom files in bed format. ("choromosome", "start", "end" are required. Additional information can be provided and annotated. Multiple bed files can be used, "--annotation custom.bed,custom2.bed". Note: valid with "--location" or "--bed")
-h,--help: help page.
Tandam repeat annotation module: python -T -h
Tandem Repeat Annotation Module:
Required parameters:
--vcf: input VCF file. (The VCF file should be indexed if "--location" or "--bed" is activated, a tbi file of the VCF is required)
--reference: input reference sequencing file. (The reference sequence should be indexed, a fai file is required)
--based: 0-based or 1-based reference coordination. (default:1)
--output: prefix of output file.
Optional parameters:
--location: a genome location needs to be parsed. (format chrx:xxxx-xxxx)
--bed: a bed file contains genome locations need to be parsed.(Three columns: choromosome, start, end)
Advanced parameters:
--min_unit: the minimun size of tandem repeat motifs. (default=1)
--max_unit: the maximum size of tandem repeat motifs. (default=6, larger size will increase the running time)
--min_time: the minimun copy number to call a tandem repeat region. (default=4)
--match: the match score for motifs aligned with a potential tandem repeat region. (default=1)
--mismatch: the mismatch score for motifs aligned with a potential tandem repeat region. (default=-1)
--gap: the gap penalty for motifs aligned with a potential tandem repeat region. (default=-2)
--similarity: the minimum similarity between potential repeat units. (default=100, means 100% similarity)
--gap_tolerate: the maximum tolerated gap size (bp) between potential repeat units. (default=0, set -1 for maximum gap of motif size)
--min_score: the minimum alignment sum score for a tandem repeat region. (default=10, set according "--match","--mismatch","--gap")
--min_match_per: the minimum match percentage for a tandem repeat region. (default=100, means 100% of matches)
-h,--help: help page.