This Qgis Plugin makes it possible to show features in QGIS using WKT
This plugin is supposed to be installed via the plugin manager of QGIS
Original Author: Alessandro Pasotti
Contributing Autors:
- Richard Duivenvoorde
- Ryan Lewis
- iface.show_* now returns the layer
- Changed homepage URL, fixed window size and removed about dialog
- Added utility show_wkt and show_wkb show_geometry methods to iface
- Fix #15: Trim input WKT text
- Fix #17: feature request: allow writing layer name in the input dialog
- Clear button
- Fix #8 (multiline WKT)
- QGIS 2.0.x compatible version
- added clear button
- added example combo
- fixed missing icon
- add support for hexEWKB
- add support for linearring and geometry collections in WKT format
- add more then one feature in the txt area, also a set of more geometry types
- create only layer type if needed: if you only paste a wkt of a point, then only a point layer is created
- lines which cannot be parsed combine to a warning
- user can either choose if the layers should be reused, OR on every use of plugin should create new layers
- addition of README
- Initial version