This util outputs the join of two datasets with client information: personal data and financial data.
This can be achieved by running the CLI program or spining up an API and calling the endpoint.
To run the util or spin up the API locally python3.10
(or later) is required.
To run the util or spin up the API via the containerized util docker
is required.
NOTE: it's recommended to use a Virtual Environment. Read this.
- Install the requirements with:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Build the image:
docker build --network=host . -t abm-amro-exercise
Run tests with the system installation or within the built docker image as follows:
Run tests with: python -m pytest tests
Run tests generating a coverage report with: python -m coverage run -m pytest tests
To show the coverage report, run python -m coverage report --omit 'tests/'
Run tests with: python -m pytest tests
docker run \
--rm \
-it \
--network=host \
--entrypoint python \
abm-amro-exercise -m pytest tests`
NOTE: Change pytest tests
to coverage run -m pytest tests
to generate a coverage file (remember to add another volume to persist it in local!)
- Run util with
python -B app/
(see options with flag-h
), OR spin up the API (locally) withpython -Bm uvicorn app.__main__:api --port 8000
CLI usage example:
python -B app/ \
--path-to-personal-info-file data/personal_info.csv
--path-to-financial-info-file data/financial_info.csv
--countries Netherlands 'United Kingdom'
- Run util with:
docker run \
--rm \
-it \
-v $(pwd)/data:/home/abm/data \
-v $(pwd)/docker-logs:/home/abm/logs \
--network=host \
Once inside the container, run the util following the same instructions for System install.
NOTE: add/modify volumes to map to other datasets, write the output, etc. NOTE2: network=host allows reaching the API easily (after spining it up). NOTE3: Docker must use a different folder for logs (or add USERs and permissions to the image). Otherwise, it will cause write permission issues when used along the locall installation.
# Create the desired destination folder
mkdir -p client_data
# Pipe the output of the program to the deesired filepath
python -B app/ \
--path-to-personal-info-file data/personal_info.csv
--path-to-financial-info-file data/financial_info.csv
--countries Netherlands 'United Kingdom' > client_data/result.csv
# Create the desired destination folder
mkdir -p client_data
# Pipe the output of the program to the desired filepath.
docker run \
--rm \
-it \
-v $(pwd)/data:/home/abm/data \
-v $(pwd)/docker-logs:/home/abm/logs \
--network=host \
--entrypoint=python \
abm-amro-exercise \
--path-to-personal-info-file data/personal_info.csv
--path-to-financial-info-file data/financial_info.csv
--countries Netherlands 'United Kingdom' > client_data/result.csv