This is my first Electron Desktop Application, a cute rubber duck that helps you debug your code. Explain your code to the duck and it will help you find the bugs!
Read the origin of the debugging duck: Rubber duck debugging - wiki
Note: The web version is built with vanilla JS and has less features
Ducky will always appear on the bottom right corner of your screen (no matter your screen size) and greet you with different cute messages each time. It will also follow your mouse cursor when you get close to it. It also opens and closes its eyes and breathes like a real duck
Note: You need
installed on your machine:npm install --global yarn
cd debugging-duck
yarn install
yarn start
yarn dist
yarn make
electron-builder Link Electron Forge Link
Plans for the future:
- Add more color themes (Night Owl is the only one right now)
- Add a settings page
- Add more cute messages
- Add the possibility to change the duck mood
- Add a way to change the duck's name
- Add more cute animations
- Add more languages
- Add a way to change the app and duck's size
- Add a way to change the duck's position at startup
- Add a way to change the duck's color
- Add rubber duck sounds when you click on it
- Add a way to choose 3d or 2d duck