Connected with Azure Pipelines, produces Artifact - an Universal Package.
Run the following command to build the provider
go build -o terraform-provider-squidex
Alternatively, you can run:
make build
First, build and install locally the provider.
make local-install
# on windows: make local-install-win
This will create the provider binary. Copy that binary into the location that Terraform will try to find it. Depending on the OS, version and Terraform version this could differ. On Windows 64 with Terraformn 0.13: /terraform.d/plugins/"
Then, create a file terraform.tfvars
in ./examples
Configure values for your test Squidex application/host.
Either connect to a remote existing squidex, or run a local docker;
docker-compose --env-file ./docker-compose.env up -d
# docker-compose down
Run the following command to initialize the workspace and apply the sample configuration.
cd examples
terraform init -backend=false
terraform apply -auto-approve
Use a git tag with semver (e.g. v0.4.2). This will trigger a pipeline to release the provider as a package. Currently the package is zip containing linux 64 & windows 64 binaries.
- Trigger & pipeline: Azure Pipelines
- Package: Azure Artifacts (Universal)