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Notes May 2017

Erica Christensen edited this page Jan 26, 2018 · 3 revisions


1a. run models using data at switch and later

  1. combine AR and Poisson approaches
  2. keep separate file for GAMM (clean and document)
  3. pull repeated things out into functions, put in gam_functions.R
  4. current AR model is within year AR; is there across-year autocorrelation?
  5. investigate link functions (why log with poisson)
  6. figure out how to compare models using different families
  7. what is the difference between gam and gamm? do they produce different results with same arguments?
  • community-level measures vs community composition
  • look at murids on new controls
  • solve autocorrelation problems in GAMs
  • error structure: neg binomial?
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