A Symfony2 distrib improved with FOSUserBundle, DoctrineFixtures, DoctrineExtensions and DoctrineMigrations. It also includes Yui-compressor. Everything is preconfigured as possible.
This distribution allows you to start your Symfony2 projects really fast. You can just fork this repository and reconfigure it as you want. Here is a list of the main features:
- uses one of the last stable version of Symfony2
- includes useful bundles like FOSUserBundle, DoctrineFixtures, DoctrineExtensions and DoctrineMigrations
- includes Assetic to manage your resources
- includes the java binary for Yui-compressor to compress your JS and CSS files with Assetic
- reconfigures user's sessions to keep them after cache:clear
- includes a default Capifony deployment file to handle Assetic, migrations and user's session
- uses Incenteev to automatically create a parameter.yml that you have to fill after composer install
##Installation and configuration
###First things you have to do
You just have to follow these short steps to start your project:
- copy the app/config/parameter.yml.dist and fill with your database information
- install the vendor with composer
- follow instructions to create your parameter.yml
- reconfigure the secured area (default is /admin) and modify the prefix of the FOSUserBundle routes in app/config/routing.yml
- create your own bundle
- create the User entity in your bundle : Read the FOSUserBundle Documentation
- change default User class entry in app/config/config.yml under fos_user
- add your bundle in Assetic's configuration in app/config/config.yml
You can also see the optional configurations below to take the best of this distribution. I hope this will help kickstart your projects.
###Optional configurations
####Use Capifony
If you want to use Capifony, this distribution includes a default configuration file. There are some mandatory information to provide before using Capifony with this file:
- change your application name, domain name, deploy path, username and repository address
You can also change every Capifony settings you want to meet your needs. It's basically just a usual Capifony deployment file but configured to handle Assetic, migrations and user's sessions.
2013/06/24: v1.2.0
- Now using Symfony 2.3
- Add a default Capifony configuration file
- Upgrade the README to be more understandable
2013/04/05: v1.1.2
- Add Doctrine migrations to Composer dependencies
2013/03/20: v1.1.1
- Update config.yml to use default locale from parameters.yml
2013/03/11: v1.1.0
- Now using Symfony 2.2