Arithmetic expression evaluator based on the Shunting Yard Algorithm
C++ implementation of the Shunting Yard Algorithm by E.W. Dijkstra.
Implementación en C++ del algoritmo Shunting Yard propuesto por E. W. Dijkstra.
Adaptado para aceptar variables, funciones personalizadas y el operador unario de negación "~"
(Wikipedia Version)
while there are tokens to be read:
read a token
if the token is:
- a number:
put it into the output queue
- a function:
push it onto the operator stack
- an operator o1:
while (
there is an operator o2 at the top of the operator stack which is not a left parenthesis,
and (o2 has greater precedence than o1 or (o1 and o2 have the same precedence and o1 is left-associative))
pop o2 from the operator stack into the output queue
push o1 onto the operator stack
- a left parenthesis (i.e. "("):
push it onto the operator stack
- a right parenthesis (i.e. ")"):
while the operator at the top of the operator stack is not a left parenthesis:
{assert the operator stack is not empty}
// If the stack runs out without finding a left parenthesis, then there are mismatched parenthesis.
pop the operator from the operator stack into the output queue
{assert there is a left parenthesis at the top of the operator stack}
pop the left parenthesis from the operator stack and discard it
if there is a function token at the top of the operator stack, then:
pop the function from the operator stack into the output queue
// After the while loop, pop the remaining items from the operator stack into the output queue.
while there are tokens on the operator stack:
// If the operator token on the top of the stack is a parenthesis, then there are mismatched parenthesis.
{assert the operator on top of the stack is not a (left) parenthesis}
pop the operator from the operator stack onto the output queue