There's no "git info" command, so i decide to write one for myself, a Git newbie.
Written in Free Pascal via Lazarus IDE v1.2.4.
Windows only currently.
- Copy git-info.exe into \libexec\git-core. We can use "git info" to execute this command from now on.
- After run "git info", git-info.ini will be generated in git-core folder, youn can modify git-info.ini to statisfy your own needs.
- gitinfo.exe will generated a git-prompt.bat in your Windows temporary folder, you can change the DOS-box prompt by executing git-prompt.bat. You can change the folder of git-prompt.bat in git-info.ini.
git info
git info && git-prompt.bat
git info -?
###git-info.ini sample:
;; You can add up to 99 cmd pairs, from cmd1.xxx to cmd99.xxx
cmd1.title=====Remote URL:
cmd1.exec=git remote -v
cmd2.title=====All branches:
cmd2.exec=git branch -a
cmd3.title=====Recent commits:
cmd3.exec=git log --pretty=format:"%C(yellow)%h %C(cyan)%ai %C(bold green)[%cn]%C(bold red)%d %C(bold green)%s%C(reset)" -10 --abbrev-commit --abbrev=4
cmd4.exec=git status
###Version info
- v0.01 2014/09/01 Initial version
- v0.02 2014/09/02 Move prompt processing to a new command: git prompt
- v0.03 2014/09/04 read .git/HEAD by git rev-parse command to get it properly