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Emma Dora Ruth Ziegellaub Eichler

To compile:
Type make

To run:
Type ./mdl [SCRIPT NAME]
Type animate [BASENAME]*
Note: for the users' convenience, the basename is just the script name with
      the number spelled out (e.g., the script name script0 has basename

To test:
Run with each of the following scripts to test designated features.
- Description:
  > This script animates two boxes for thirty frames. One box is 
    rotated in the x, y, and z directions on knob knob and moved in the x and y 
    directions on knob2. Its light properties are defined by the constant blight:
    it is more sensitive to blue light than red and green, most sensitve to diffuse
    light, least sensitive to ambient light, and has no rgb intensities of its own.
    The other box is rotated in the y and z directions on knob3, moved in all
    directions, and scaled equally in all directions on knob4. Its light properties
    are defined by the constant flight: it is less sensitve to red light than green
    and blue, most sensitive to diffuse light, least sensitive to ambient light, and
    has red and green intensities of its own. There is red ambient light in the scene
    and a mostly red light source with a little blue and even less green located
    above the center of the screen.
- Features:
  > boxes
  > x, y, & z rotations (with knobs)
  > scale (with knob)
  > moves (with & without knobs)
  > light
  > ambient
  > constants (with & without intensities)

- Description:
  > This script renders, diplays, and saves as "scriptOne," an image of a box, torus, and sphere.
    The y location of the torus is on a knob that can be changed by the user. The colors of the ambient
    and specific light sources in this image are different.
- Features:
  > knob setting
  > sphere
  > torus
  > box
  > x & y rotations (with knobs & without knobs)
  > moves (with & without knobs)
  > light
  > ambient
  > constants

- Description:
  > This script animates a rotating sphere falling through a rotating torus. It uses
    predefined light values which give both objects a slightly shiny appearance. It is
    a good demonstration of z-buffering, as the front-facing polygons pass behind the torus.
- Features:
  > sphere
  > torus
  > x & y rotations (with knobs)
  > moves (with & without knobs)
  > light
  > ambient
  > constants

Project Description:
This project creates both animation and still images using boxes (rectangular
prisms, spheres, and toruses), which are colored based on a three-way lighting
model which accounts for diffuse, specular, and ambient light, as well as
the properties of each individual object(both constants for each kind of light
and intensities of the object itself). Objects may be animated using scaling,
translations, and rotations in any of the three axes (x, y, and z). Hidden
faces are, well, hidden, by both backface culling (which accounts for the
fronts of shapes covering the backs) and z-buffering (which accounts for
overlapping shapes and faces that are only partially exposed).

Features Implemented:

- Stack
  > push
  > pop
- Transformations (with & without knobs)
  > move
  > scale
  > rotate
- Shapes (with & without constants)
  > sphere
  > torus
  > box
- Knobs
  > set
  > basename
  > frames
  > vary
- Lighting
  > light
  > ambient
  > constants
- Miscellaneous
  > save
  > display

Suggestions for Improvement*

*If you, unlike I, have unlimited time
- Light based on pixel instead of polygon for a more realistic image and to
  solve the visible triangles problem
- Scan line horizontally or vertically to avoid the missing pixel problem
- Unlimited light sources (instead of just one)


README 		- This file.

PROJECT		- Instructions for using these parsers and 
		  building your projects.

MDL.spec	- The entire languange specification.

matrix.c	- Stripped down matrix code (new_matrix, free_matrix,
matrix.h	  print_matrix, and identity_matrix).

parser.h	- Structures and definitions used by the parser.
		  This defines the command array that the parser fills.

symtab.h	- Symbol table routines. Structures are defined as well as
symtab.c	  add_symbol, lookup_symbol, set_value, and utility
		  symbol table printing routines.

print_pcode.c	- Contains print_pcode. A routine that will print out
		  the arry of commands that the parser fills. This
		  is for testing and debugging purposes.

my_main.c	- Contains my_main. Instead of changing the main() function
my_main.h	  defined in mdl.y, you should modify this file.

mdl.l		- Flex (lex) source file. Flex will use this file to build
		  the lexical scanner.

mdl.y		- Bison (yacc) source file. Bison will use this file to
		  build the parser. This file also holds main(), you 
		  can change that, but you do not need to if you use 
		  my_main() as described above.	- Something produced by the Bison parser relating to the mdl
		  language that Mr. Zamansky wrote and I have not altered.

lex.yy.c	- The lexical scanner generated by flex.		- Something else produced by the Bison parser relating to the		  mdl language that Mr. Zamansky wrote and I have not altered.

Makefile	- The project Makefile.

ml6.h		- Contains the all-important definations of point,
		  color, and screen.

display.c	- Routines for saving images and displaying them
display.h	  to the screen.

draw.c		- The most intimidating files, containing routines to render,
draw.h		  generate, and draw  boxes, spheres, and toruses (both solids
		  and meshes) and calculate the lighting/color for each face of
		  a solid object.

stack.c		- Definition of stack struct and routines for basic stack
stack.h		  functionality (push, pop, and initializer).

vector.c	- Definition of vector struct and routines for operating
vector.h	  with vectors.

z_buffer.h	- Definitions of zval and zbuff structs, used for
		  Z-Buffering to store z-values and colors in an array
		  representing the screen.


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