This is a Flysystem adapter for the Aliyun OSS ~2.0.4
inspire by aobozhang/aliyun-oss-adapter
composer require apollopy/flysystem-aliyun-oss
This service provider must be registered.
// config/app.php
'providers' => [
edit the config file: config/filesystems.php
add config
'oss' => [
'driver' => 'oss',
'access_id' => env('OSS_ACCESS_ID','your id'),
'access_key' => env('OSS_ACCESS_KEY','your key'),
'bucket' => env('OSS_BUCKET','your bucket'),
'endpoint' => env('OSS_ENDPOINT','your endpoint'),
'prefix' => env('OSS_PREFIX', ''), // optional
change default to oss
'default' => 'oss'
see Laravel wiki
inspire by itbdw/laravel-storage-qiniu
Storage::disk('oss')->putFile($path, '/local_file_path/1.png', ['mimetype' => 'image/png']);
Storage::disk('oss')->signedDownloadUrl($path, 3600, '', true);
if installed barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper
edit the config file: config/ide-helper.php
'interfaces' => [
'\Illuminate\Contracts\Filesystem\Filesystem' => ApolloPY\Flysystem\AliyunOss\FilesystemAdapter::class,