This repository contains an incomplete 'To Do' app. The following user stories are planned:
as an indecisive planner I want to be able to delete items from my list so I can keep my schedule lean
as a perfectionist I want to be able to update the status of items I have previously marked as completed
as a high-performing lover of productivity hacks I want to be able to complete all actions within my to-do app with only keyboard shortcuts
To contribute to this project follow these steps:
git clone [url-to-your-fork]
Commit your changes to the forked repository
Create a Pull Request to the
We expect you to have questions and possibly struggle with some parts of this challenge. That is OK!👌
Read through the code and try to identify where you need to introduce changes in order to solve each user story.
Solve one user story at a time and ask for any information you need.
Good luck 🤞