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Plasma Emulator

The project is aimed to develop a C++ emulator for plasma physics calculations. And now, it is still in the early stage of development.

0. build pre-requisites

  • C++20 compiler
  • vcpkg
  • Addtionally, if you want to use Intel MKL, you need to install it and set the environment variable MKLROOT to the installation directory. And set USE_MKL_BACKEND=ON in cmake file (default is OFF).

1. submodules

1.1 dependencies and relationship of submodules

  • chempars
    • core
  • common
    • fmt (from vcpkg)
  • core
    • units (from vcpkg)
    • eigen3 (from vcpkg)
    • intel-mkl (from vcpkg, optional)
    • rapidcsv (from vcpkg)
  • parallel
    • cutlass (from vcpkg, optional)

1.2 chempars

a C++ library for parsing chemical equations and performing chemical calculations (only plasma, electrolysis).

In academia, we usually need to analyze particle reaction equations like this

$$ \mathrm{e} + \mathrm{Ar^+} \rightarrow \mathrm{Ar^*},\ 4.0\times10^{-13}\mathrm{T_e}^{-0.5}\ \mathrm{cm^{-3}s^{-1}} $$

The number after the formula refers to the threshold of the reaction.

the chemical equation displayed format is usually in the form of

e + Ar^+ -> Ar^*, excitation , 4.0e-13 1/(cm^3 * s)

the text is part of file like toml, yaml or json usually.

1.3 common

a C++ library for common data structures and algorithms. This library can be regarded as a submodule of the core.

now it contains:

  • log
  • config file parser
  • config argument data structure
  • some utils functions

1.4 core

The core library is the core of the emulator. It contains the basic data structures and algorithms for plasma physics calculations.

now it contains:

  1. a basic units system
  2. a basic vector and matrix library based on Eigen3
  3. a basic plasma physics equation solver (TODO)

1.5 parallel (Experimental)

a basic parallel library based on CUTLASS (optional).

The main goal of the library is to provide faster speed than Eigen3 with Intel-MKL backend in situations where data is particularly large.


A C++ emulator for plasma, and work in process now.








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