Collection of automated tasks.
Disclaimer: Some of the scripts are small and may not be very useful for example Send-email, but are still pretty cool :).
I created some of the scripts with the intention that they're a foundation for more complex automated scripts such as. expenses, income, selenium-testing and a few more. The files that are these types of scripts will have (X).
Clone repository:
git clone && cd automation
Install requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Now you can run every script.
- DL-file - X - File downloader.
- Excel:
- Expenses - X - Adds business and personal expenses to Excel (Current code needs you to add the expenses manually, but will automatically add them to Excel. Not ideal I know, I'll be adding a better code when I have time). This is only a foundation for your excel files, which you can then update to your own liking.
- Graph - X - Excel graph.
- Income - X - Adds income to Excel (Current code needs you to add the income manually, but will automatically add them to Excel. Not ideal I know, I'll be adding a better code when I have time). This is only a foundation for your excel files, which you can then update to your own liking.
- Hue-light - X - Control hue lights.
- Git-commands - Automates the process of using commands such as clone, commit, branch, pull, merge and blame.
- Monitor-website - If website isn't up-and-running, sends an email and plays a sound.
- Move-cursor:
- Move-cursor - Move cursor every 10 seconds.
- Piano tiles - Magic piano tiles game script by adhirajpandey.
- Organize-files - Organizes files (images, audio, texts, videos and compressed files) and moves them inside specified folders.
- Reddit - Allows you to efficiently transfer joined subreddits from one account to another reddit account:
- Extract by adhirajpandey.
- Join by adhirajpandey.
- Repo - Creates a private or public GitHub repository (uses selenium, but you can easily also use the GitHub package).
- Scheduler - X - Scheduled jobs (open email, shutdown computer etc.).
- Selenium testing:
- Cross browser - X - Cross browser testing.
- Login form - X - Login form testing (tests GitHub, Stack Overflow and Twitter) and generates report.
- Search - X - Search function testing (searches
in GitHub, Stack Overflow and Amazon) and generates report. - Sign up SO - X - Sign up testing (tests Stack Overflow, Gmail and GitHub) and generates report.
- Send-email - Send emails (subject, content and image attachments).
- Tweeter - Write and post tweets.
- Whatsapp - Send Whatsapp message (I'm thinking of switching from Whatsapp, but thought this still should be added).
- Youtube - Download an audio from YouTube.
The source code is released under the MIT License.