An in-progress alpha...
Below is an example configuration
use Mix.Config
config :alfred, Alfred.Robot,
adapter: Hedwig.Adapters.Messenger,
name: "alfred",
token: "", #Your Page Access Token
responders: [
{Hedwig.Responders.Help, []},
{Hedwig.Responders.Ping, []},
Messages are received from Facebook using an HTTP callback. You can use the included Hedwig.Adapters.Messenger.Callback
module or define one yourself
as long as it calls Hedwig.Adapters.Messenger.handle_in/2
to send the message to the robot.
To use the included callback with your robot, update your dependencies by including plug
and cowboy
defp deps do
{:cowboy, "~> 1.0"},
{:plug, "~> 1.1"}
Finally, add Hedwig.Adapters.Messenger.Callback
to your supervision tree alongside your robot
children = [
worker(Alfred.Robot, []),
worker(Hedwig.Adapters.Messenger.Callback, [])
The parameters are:
- a keyword list of options to pass to cowboy (optional)
If you are defining your own callback (for instance in a phoenix app), just make sure to call Hedwig.Adapters.Messenger.handle_in/2
def my_messenger_callback(conn, params) do
case Hedwig.Adapters.Messenger.handle_in(robot_name, params) do
{:error, reason} ->
# Handle robot not found
:ok ->
# Message sent to robot.
Send API | Supported? |
Text Messages | ✓ |
Audio Messages | |
File Messages | |
Image Messages | |
Video Messages | |
Typing Indicators | |
Quick Replies | |
Buttons | |
Templates |
Webhook Reference | Supported? |
Message Received | ✓ |
Message Delivered | |
Message Read | |
Message Echo | |
Postback | |
Plugin Opt-in | |
Referral | |
Payment | |
Checkout Update | |
Account Linking |
Initially based on @bryanjos's hedwig_sms design.