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This package provides a CLI for configuring pyspark to use localstack for the S3 file system. This is intended for testing packages locally (or in your CI/CD pipeline) which you intend to deploy on an Amazon EMR cluster.


Execute the following command, replacing pip3 with the executable appropriate for the environment where you want to configure pyspark to use localstack:

pip3 install localstack-s3-pyspark

Configure Spark's Defaults

If you've installed localstack-s3-pyspark in a Dockerfile or virtual environment, just run the following command:

localstack-s3-pyspark configure-defaults

If you've installed localstack-s3-pyspark in an environment with multiple python 3.x versions, you may instead want to run an appropriate variation of the following command (replacing python3 with the command used to access the python executable for which you want to configure pyspark):

python3 -m localstack_s3_pyspark configure-defaults


Please note that if you are testing your packages with tox (highly recommended), you will need to:

  • Include "localstack-s3-pyspark" in your tox deps
  • Include localstack-s3-pyspark configure-defaults in your tox commands_pre (or by other means execute this command prior to your tests)

Here is an example tox.ini which starts up localstack using the localstack CLI (you could also use docker-compose or just docker run, if you need greater control or fewer python dependencies, see the the localstack documentation "Getting Started" page for details):

envlist = pytest

deps =
commands_pre =
    localstack-s3-pyspark configure-defaults
    localstack start -d
    sleep 20
commands =
commands_post =
    localstack stop

Patch boto3

If your tests interact with S3 using boto3, you can patch boto3 from within your unit tests as follows:

from localstack_s3_pyspark.boto3 import use_localstack