Hubot Synology Chat Adapter
Synology Chat is a slack-like chat service provided by Synology inc.
Synology Chat is a chatbot feature in Synology Chat, provided a direct message interface for chatbot developer to interact with users.
Hubot is a Chatbot framework by Github inc.
This is a hubot adapter, provides a fast way to connect hubot into synology chat
You can quickly spin up a docker image with:
docker run -it \
-e SYNOCHAT_PORT=<your chatbot outgoing listen port> \
-e SYNOCHAT_URL=<your chatbot incoming url and port> \
-e SYNOCHAT_TOKEN=<your chatbot token> \
-e BOT_NAME=synohubot \
-e EXTERNAL_SCRIPTS=hubot-pugme,hubot-help \
-p <your chatbot outgoing listen port>:<your chatbot outgoing listen port> \
If you want to include your own custom scripts you can by doing:
docker run -it \
-e SYNOCHAT_PORT=<your chatbot outgoing listen port> \
-e SYNOCHAT_URL=<your chatbot incoming url and port> \
-e SYNOCHAT_TOKEN=<your chatbot token> \
-e BOT_NAME=synohubot \
-e EXTERNAL_SCRIPTS=hubot-pugme,hubot-help \
-p <your chatbot outgoing listen port>:<your chatbot outgoing listen port> \
-v $PWD/scripts:/home/hubot/scripts \