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Releases: enteraname74/SoulSearching


02 Sep 21:21
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Soul Searching is officially multiplatform!

You can now listen to your favorite songs on desktop (Linux for now) with Soul Searching!
The desktop app will follow the version of the android app, so it starts as the version 0.7.0!

New features

  • Soul Searching Desktop!
  • New screens depending on the size of the device (principally used for the desktop app)
  • Add the possibility to change the base theme of the app (settings → color theme → principal theme)
  • Add the possibility to force the use of the light or dark theme
  • Add play statistics (settings → statistics)
  • Add tab for folders and a Soul Mix (playing a certain amount of songs from each folder, shuffled)
  • You can set the number of songs selected from each folder for the Soul Mix in the settings (settings → personalization → music player)


  • Improve contrast of text over background color with dynamic theme
  • Player view is now more responsive
  • Fix crashes when navigating to the same kind of page (playlist, album...)
  • Fix color animation clipping when going from minimized to expanded player view
  • Improve color transition for status and navigation bar

Refactor, code improvement

  • Better project architecture


03 May 16:49
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Small release of Soul Searching!

New features

  • Add possibility to swipe the cover of the currently played song, on the player view, to play the next or previous song in the queue
  • The swipe action is enabled by default and can be disabled in the settings (Personalization → Music player view)
  • The personalization page in the settings has been reworked to be more clear


  • Fix notification progress bar not been shown for some songs on devices below Android 13
  • Fix pause/play button not been updated correctly when losing audio focus by other app
  • Lyrics provider info is now always in the bottom end part of the lyrics view
  • The Manage songs setting page is more navigable on horizontal mode


01 May 19:44
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New version of Soul Searching!
The principal changes of this new version are the new view for the playlist, albums and artist and the possibility to see songs by folders and added month.

New features

  • Playlists icons are now visible on the screen used for adding a song to playlists
  • Improve access of playlist/album/artist panel when on horizontal view
  • Improve horizontal view of playlist/album/artist
  • Improve design of playlist/album/artist page
  • Artist's albums are now shown on its page
  • Can now see all musics by folders on the music tab
  • Can now see all musics by month added on the music tab
  • Musics by folders and by month are options in the personalization settings
  • Better light theme for the application
  • Add the possibility to remove a song from the queue from any music bottom sheets
  • The icon for removing a song from the queue has changed to better separate itself from the others remove options


  • Fix player view text color readability issue when the dynamic theme is on, the device is on light mode and no cover exists for the current played song
  • Fix issue where long music title would go beyond max horizontal size on expanded player view
  • Fix issue where adding a song to a playlist would show playlists where the song is already in
  • Fix issue where putting the currently played song in favorites would not update the UI of it in the player view if done via the "Add to playlists" option in the music bottom sheet
  • Better size for the player panel when minimized
  • Fix issue that would not find all matching albums when using the search functionality
  • Fix performance issue on the player view that affected songs without cover
  • When the user dismisses the search view, with a down swipe, while the keyboard is shown, the keyboard will now dismiss itself
  • The player view now dismisses itself correctly when no songs are in the queue
  • Fix issue when deleting the current played song from the queue that would not handle correctly the next song to play
  • Fix issue with notification's buttons not working for devices below Android 13
  • Fix issues where the initial queue would not be the same after adding/removing songs and changing player mode

Refactor, code improvement

  • Update app dependencies
  • Compose version has been updated to 1.6.2


18 Apr 17:38
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New version of Soul Searching!
The main focus of this version was the almost total rework of the application for it to be more stable, better done, and KMP ready.
Indeed, the principal aim of Soul Searching is to now become multiplatform! The app is currently KMP ready, and I'm working on a Desktop version of it.

New features

  • When modifying a song, an album or an artist, propositions will be shown to you to complete fields
  • Modifying a song, an album or an artist will modify the concerned file metadata on your device
  • The possibility to modify a file on your device is an option in the settings
  • When playing a song, you can see its lyrics if some are available, thanks to lyrist
  • Improve main page view
  • Improve design of player played list panel (reworked current music button, add lyrics page)
  • Add autofocus on search bar when opening the search view


  • Fix issue that would position the player view in a wrong position when changing device theme
  • Fix issue that would let the user drag the player music list view beyond vertical up limits
  • Fix issue where adding a new song from an existing artist would override the cover of the artist if the song has one

Refactor, code improvement

  • The whole project is now a Kotlin Multiplatform one based around common modules
  • Dagger Hilt has been replaced with Koin for multiplatform support
  • Androidx Palette has been replaced with Kmpalette
  • SharedPreferences has been replaced with a multiplatform solution
  • Voyager is now used for the navigation
  • App dependencies are now managed with a version catalog file
  • Color theme manager, playback manager, player, notification and service have been reworked
  • A lot of problematic static attributes have been replaced with more stable solutions


07 Jan 18:54
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This release fixes some bugs when deleting all musics from an album or an artist.
It also fixes the version name of the application (it was previously 0.2.3 instead of 0.3.0).


07 Jan 03:03
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⚠️ The application ID has changed to better fit the GitHub repository! This release will reinstall a new application on your device instead of updating the last version! ⚠️

New features:

  • Current played song is now shown differently
  • Can now access artist and album of the current played song directly from the player view
  • Can now access the bottom sheet of the current played song in the player view by long clicking on its cover
  • Personalized theme gives you now more possibilities


  • Fix issue with shuffle mode when changing player mode
  • Fix spacing issue when player is minimized on settings and more screens
  • The option to add the current played song to be played next is now not available
  • Modify UI of checkboxes
  • Modify sentences of delete music dialog
  • Icons are now more homogeneous throughout the app

Refactor, code improvement...:

  • All dependencies of the app has been updated
  • The use of the now deprecated swipeable API has been replaced by the new draggable one
  • Improve security of broadcast receivers
  • Permission management has been improved
  • Better comments throughout the app
  • Better system for managing music and playlist events
  • The application now uses Kotlin instead of Groovy for Gradle.
  • The application structure is now respecting the Clean Architecture


30 Oct 18:54
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This release is aimed to fix these two issues:

  • Grammar errors #7
  • Notification making sound when it shouldn't #8


23 Oct 22:26
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This release is primarily about fixed issues, from UI improvements to critical issues on specific devices.

Fixes from this release:

  • Title in header bar is now centered when on multiple lines
  • The counter of played playlists, artists and album is now correctly updated when using the shuffle option
  • Fix a typo in a string for the French translation
  • Fix a critical issue that wouldn't let the app run on Android 9 because of SQLite version
  • Fix issue that would load the UI of a new music but load the previous listened one in the player
  • The application's animations are now more homogeneous in some parts of the application
  • The selection of an image for an artist / album / music, when fetching new songs, is now more efficient and accurate
  • The detection of deleted / moved files is now more efficient and the application is less susceptible to crashing because of it
  • The UI for the "More" screens have been improved to avoid player minimized view to overlap on elements


21 Oct 17:52
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New functionalities from this release:

  • Add an about section in the settings, where you can see the following:
    • The developers of the application
    • The application's version name
  • Add an Easter egg, I'll let you find where it is!

Fixes from this release:

  • All "More" screens now share the same color theme
  • Fix an issue when changing playing mode that would remove the played list


21 Oct 15:36
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v0.1.1 Pre-release

Small release of Soul Searching.

It includes primarily UI improvements, such as:

  • sort choices are now more visible
  • the "More" screens better follows the app's UI
  • the personalized dynamic theme for playlist has been improved to support navigation and status bars
  • the player view now can't be extended past the max size of the device