- Gives a list of paths that changed from a compare url, example below:
- Check if a determined path has changed from a compare url
yarn add @entria/deploy --dev
Add CIRCLECI_COMPARE_URL environment to your .circleci/config.yml
CIRCLECI_COMPARE_URL: << pipeline.project.git_url >>/compare/<< pipeline.git.base_revision >>...<<pipeline.git.revision>>
TESTFILES=$(yarn entria-deploy changes $CIRCLECI_COMPARE_URL)
yarn jest --maxWorkers=3 --coverage --forceExit --ci
SHOULD_BUILD=$(yarn entria-deploy hasChanged $CIRCLECI_COMPARE_URL packages/api)
if [ "$SHOULD_BUILD" == false ]; then
circleci-agent step halt
import { shouldDeployPackage, changedPaths } from '@entria/deploy';
// it should be another compare url, from Travir of instance
const shouldDeploy = shouldDeployPackage(process.cwd())(process.env.CIRCLE_COMPARE_URL);
if (shouldDeploy('packages/server') {
console.log('deploy server');
const allchanges = await changedPaths(process.env.CIRCLE_COMPARE_URL);
console.log('all changes');