A backend service listening to Kafka messages
Node.js version >= 14 is required, so make sure you have that installed.
npm install
See bottom of document for what you need to do in the Google Cloud Platform GUI for a new environment.
See .env.prod/staging/dev/beta for configuration.
KAFKA_TOPICS is a comma separated list of topics to subscribe to.
See https://entur-data-kafka-admin.entur.org//ui/clusters for a list of available topics
In addition, the name of the events we want to forward to pubsub must be whitelisted in eventsWhitelist.ts
Before you can run the app locally you need to download the service account keys as described in the service account keys readme.
Run npm run <env>
to run the server locally.
npm run dev
npm run staging
npm run prod
npm run beta
The default port is 9000. You can override it with the PORT
environment variable.
We use Jest for together with the ts-jest
TypeScript preprocessor for testing. To run all tests:
npm t
npm run deploy // dev is the default
npm run deploy dev
npm run deploy staging
npm run deploy prod
npm run deploy beta
This will deploy the app to gcloud.
Staging is used as an example:
IAM & Admin -> Service Accounts
name: bff-kafka
(or another name you would like to use)
This is an account that can be used to run the app locally. It contains the keys necessary, see the service account keys readme.
Node-app (this repo) is deployed on App engine using
npm run deploy staging
This app publishes to Google Pub/Sub
PubSub topic: bff-kafka-{kafka-topic}
(kafka topic is without environment)
Published messages have an attribute that can be used for filtering: eventName = Kafka event name
The message body is a json version of the Kafka event.
The Kafka username and password are fetched from Secret manager for the environment.
keys: kafka-user
, kafka-password
Make sure you have created these secrets in each project.
A cron job is run from the cloud scheduler. It accesses an endpoint on the app every x minutes to prevent idle timeouts. Timeouts are not a big problem by themselves, but starting the app takes a few seconds which would delay ticket issuing.
The job is configured in cron.yaml
and can be seen under
Tools > Cloud Scheduler > App engine cron jobs
Pubsub messages can trigger cloud functions. Here is an example function
that listens to bff-kafka-payment-events
, checks the eventName and decodes the body.
NB: We do not have any type safety built into the pubsub system yet, so the cast is unsafe if the Kafka Avro message changes.
import { region } from 'firebase-functions'
export default region('europe-west1')
.onPublish(async (message) => {
if (message.attributes.eventName === 'PaymentTransactionCaptured') {
const pubsubData: PaymentTransactionCaptured = JSON.parse(decodeBase64(message.data))
await createTicketGroup(pubsubData)
Setup setup bff-kafka in an environment on GCP that already runs our other functions, do the following:
Go to IAM & Admin -> Service Account -> Create service account
- Name:
- Id:
- Description:
Backend for frontend - Kafka bridge
Create a new key, either during the dialog or afterwards:
- Keys -> Create key -> json
- Download and put in serviceAccountKeys (see the service account keys readme.)
Make sure your service accounts have read access to the secrets in Secret Manager
- Go to Secret Manager and select one of your secrets, for instance
- press add permission
- Add the role "Secret Manager Secret Accessor" to your service accounts
Either run deploy or create the bff-kafka-event pubsub topic (see below)
Go to Pub/sub
- check bff-kafka-event
- add permission
- Add role "Pub/Sub Publisher" to your service account
npm run deploy <environment>
This sets up app engine and cron job and - from the look of it - pub/sub topic. If not, create a
new pub/sub topic named bff-kafka-event
You need to do this last even if you did it earlier, as it can't start without the proper permissions set.