- 👋 Hi, I’m Eric Nusbaum and have been a computer nerd my entire life. I've been developing in C# for over 20 years 🤓
- 👀 I’m interested in Retro Computing, Emulation, Bulletin Board Systems, and Reverse Engineering
- 🌱 I’m continually learning C# and x86 Assember
- 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on projects that help preserve and enable greater access to Retro Computing and Bulletin Board Systems
- 📫 How to reach me: 🐘 @enusbaum@tootsmcgoots.io or ✉️ eric@nusbaum.me
- 🫶 MBBSEmu, a cross-platform emulator to run Modules for DOS versions of The MajorBBS & Worldgroup (Repo | Website)
- 🕹️ ADNES, a Nintendo Emulator written in C# contained within a NuGet package (Repo | NuGet)
- 📱 ADNES.MAUI, a cross-platform .NET MAUI frontend for the ADNES Nintendo Emulator (Repo)
- 📁 ENusbaum.Torrent, a simple dotnet library for creating .torrent files (Repo | NuGet)
- ⚾ Junk Wax Detection, a Machine Learning Model trained to identify "Junk Wax" (1985-95) Baseball Cards (Repo | HuggingFace🤗)