This is the Angular Webapp for enviroCar platform. ( The Webapp is built with AngularJS 1.6.6. The UI components are built with Angular Material.
Clone the repository:
$ git clone
Install dependencies:
$ npm install
Install bower components:
$ bower install
Run the development web-server via gulp:
$ gulp
You can now have a quick look on the enviroCar Webapp via your webbrowser at
4014 is the default port for this project, if you want or have to change it,
open the project's /node_modules/gulpfile.js
and change the port in line
17 to your desire.
The demo application requires an enviroCar account. Feel free to register one - the account will also work with the demo application. Most parts of the webapp are dull if you have not at least one recorded track. Anyways, there are communitydata for you to discover. Also, if you do not want to or are not able to contribute a track, please contact in order to get a demo login account.
This project builds upon work done by Google’s Summer of Code student Naveen Jafer (please find a summary of his work on enviroCar visual analytcs You can find an overview of the prerelease version and it's features here
Have you find bugs in the webpage? Is something not working or does some UI component look unpleasing to you? Have you find mistakes in writing? Do you have ideas for cool new features for the enviroCar webapp? Let us know! Use the Webapp's site feedback form also available here
Share your ideas, report your issues, work on the code under this repository!