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LoxTemplater (LoxoneTemplater) is a tool to help you reusing complex logic for rooms in Loxone Config.

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What's this?

LoxTemplater (LoxoneTemplater) is a tool to help you reusing complex logic for rooms in Loxone Config.


  1. The tool will take specified ("template") page in your project
  2. Replaces Memory Flags with actual device I/O ports assigned to the given room
  3. Adds the new page to your project

How, but with pictures

1. Initial Logic

Create the logic (e.g. AC automation) for a single room, using actual devices. Test it.

step 1

2. Clean Up Devices & Function Blocks

Ensure that devices and their outputs are

  1. named consistently; they must be named the same for each room
  2. are assigned to the rooms you want to generate a page for
  3. in some cases it's enough to assign the parent device to the room (see picture)


3. Convert to Template

  1. Every I/O (device sensors, actuators, output of other function blocks, like AQt of the Room Controller), that you want to assign per room, must be replaced with a Memory Flag (Merker).
  2. Depending on the direction of the I/O, either the Memory Flag or its Input Reference needs to be used
  3. Finally, place a new, disconnected Memory Flag for each IO; the tool will (try to) connect the actual IO ports here

suffix 1

  • The green Memory Flags (Input References) will send data to Actuators, or inputs of Function Blocks
  • The blue Memory Flags receive data from Sensors or outputs of Function Blocks


The general template is

Device or BlockName:Port Name
  • Device or Block name:
    • For most extensions, it's the name of the extension, e.g. AO Extension
    • For Modbus, it's the name of the Modbus device (e.g. IntesisBox xxxx)
    • For the Miniserver, it's the name of the server, as listed in the Device Tree
    • For Function Blocks or Memory Flags, the name of the block/flag
    • The tool supports prefix matching, so it's enough to write Intesis, to match the device IntesisBox DK-AC-MBS-1
  • Port Name:
    • Whatever is displayed in the device tree, or on the function block (e.g. HC1, Shd or ϑt)
    • Except, some IOs have suffix (which is also displayed in the Device Tree)
      • Modbus Actuators have the suffix AQ, e.g. OnOff AQ
      • Modbus Sensors have the suffix AI, e.g. OnOff AI
      • Virtual Inputs have the suffix VI


  • MyMiniserver:External Temperature Threshold VI
  • Intelligent:HCm
  • IntesisBox:FanSpeed AI

suffix 1 suffix 2


The blue inputs will be connected to:

  • ϑt, C1, and HCm outputs of the Intelligent Room Controller
  • The output (AQ) of the Memory Flag ϑc
    • (This is based on name only, but in my template ϑc is a Mmeory Flag, not, e.g. Radio16)


4. Run the tool

Basic example:

LoxTemplater generate --rooms Attic Study --template "_Template1" c:\path\to\the\Project.Loxone

This will generate pages for Attic and Study, based on the page _Template1 and the output wil be saved next to the project file (with a timestamp in the name).


After running the tool on a moderately complex tenmplate:

  • Top-left block of AIs
  • Purple AQs in the middle
  • Bottom-left gray links

were all placed there by the tool.



Use the help command to get more information.

❯ LoxTemplater help
LoxTemplater 1.0.0
(c) 2022, Attila Kiskó

list        List entities in the project file

generate    Generate pages based on the specified template

help        Display more information on a specific command.

version     Display version information.

All parameters for the generate command:

❯ LoxTemplater help generate
LoxTemplater 1.0.0
(c) 2022, Attila Kiskó
Generate a page for Attic from AC_Template:
LoxTemplater generate --output path/to/saved/file.Loxone --rooms Attic --template AC_Template

-r, --rooms          Required. Which rooms to generate pages for. Use 'list rooms' to get the list of room names from
                    the project.

-t, --template       Required. Name of the template page.

--page-name          Template for naming the generated pages. Use {Room} for the room name. E.g. "Heating - {Room}"

-o, --output         Target path for saving the project. If not specified a generated file name will be used.

-n, --dry-run        If set, the output will not be saved. Can be used for validating the source project.

--overwrite-pages    If set, pages with the same name as the generated pages will be overwritten in the project file.
                    Useful when reprocessing a project that contains both template and generated pages.

--delete-template    If set, the template page will be removed from the output project.

--help               Display this help screen.

--version            Display version information.

PATH (pos. 0)        Required. Path to the source project file

Supported Devices and Function Blocks

As of now, the tool supports the following

  • Modbus Devices
  • Virtual Inputs
  • Memory Flags
  • Intelligent Room Controller

Adding more is a matter of defining the POCO class for the extension/device and adding some extra logic to IOCollector.


LoxTemplater (LoxoneTemplater) is a tool to help you reusing complex logic for rooms in Loxone Config.







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