BayesianFactorZoo.jl is a Julia port of the R package 'BayesianFactorZoo' (CRAN link) implementing the econometric methods from the paper:
Bryzgalova, S., Huang, J., & Julliard, C. (2023). Bayesian solutions for the factor zoo: We just ran two quadrillion models. Journal of Finance, 78(1), 487–557. DOI: 10.1111/jofi.13197
If you use this package, please cite the original paper.
For detailed documentation of the original R implementation, see the R package documentation (PDF). Note that function signatures and exposed functions are equivalent to the R version.
For now this is not in the general registry (I will register it at some point). In the meantime you can install it directly from my repository.
using Pkg
For some examples see the "Tutorial" in the documentation
Link to Tutorial
BayesianFM(f::Matrix{Float64}, R::Matrix{Float64}, sim_length::Int)
Performs Bayesian Fama-MacBeth regression.
: t × k matrix of factors (t periods, k factors)R
: t × N matrix of test asset returnssim_length
: Length of MCMC chain
: MCMC draws of OLS risk premialambda_gls_path
: MCMC draws of GLS risk premiaR2_ols_path
: MCMC draws of OLS R²R2_gls_path
: MCMC draws of GLS R²
BayesianSDF(f::Matrix{Float64}, R::Matrix{Float64}, sim_length::Int; kwargs...)
Performs Bayesian estimation of linear stochastic discount factor (SDF). Supports both flat and normal priors for risk prices.
: t × k matrix of factorsR
: t × N matrix of test asset returnssim_length
: Length of MCMC chainintercept
: Include intercept (default: true)type
: "OLS" or "GLS" (default: "OLS")prior
: "Flat" or "Normal" (default: "Flat")psi0
: Prior hyperparameter (default: 5.0)d
: Prior hyperparameter (default: 0.5)
: MCMC draws of risk pricesR2_path
: MCMC draws of R²
continuous_ss_sdf(f::Matrix{Float64}, R::Matrix{Float64}, sim_length::Int; kwargs...)
Performs SDF model selection using continuous spike-and-slab prior.
: t × k matrix of factorsR
: t × N matrix of test asset returnssim_length
: Length of MCMC chainpsi0
: Prior scale (default: 1.0)r
: Spike component (default: 0.001)aw
: Beta prior parameters (default: 1.0)type
: "OLS" or "GLS" (default: "OLS")intercept
: Include intercept (default: true)
: MCMC draws of model inclusion indicatorslambda_path
: MCMC draws of risk pricessdf_path
: MCMC draws of SDF valuesbma_sdf
: Bayesian Model Averaged SDF
dirac_ss_sdf_pvalue(f::Matrix{Float64}, R::Matrix{Float64}, sim_length::Int, lambda0::Vector{Float64})
: t × k matrix of factorsR
: t × N matrix of test asset returnssim_length
: Length of MCMC chainlambda0
: Vector of risk prices under null hypothesispsi0
: Prior scale (default: 1.0)max_k
: Maximum model size (optional)
: MCMC draws of inclusion indicatorslambda_path
: MCMC draws of risk pricesmodel_probs
: Posterior model probabilities
using BayesianFactorZoo
# Generate example data
t, k, N = 100, 2, 25
f = randn(t, k) # Factor returns (100 periods × 2 factors)
R = randn(t, N) # Test asset returns (100 periods × 25 assets)
# Bayesian Fama-MacBeth regression
bfm_result = BayesianFM(f, R, 10000)
println("Mean OLS risk premia: ", mean(bfm_result.lambda_ols_path, dims=1))
println("Mean OLS R²: ", mean(bfm_result.R2_ols_path))
# Bayesian SDF estimation with normal prior
bsdf_result = BayesianSDF(f, R, 10000,
# Model selection with continuous spike-and-slab prior
# Set prior Sharpe ratio through psi0
psi_value = psi_to_priorSR(R, f, priorSR=0.1)
css_result = continuous_ss_sdf(f, R, 10000,
# Check factor inclusion probabilities
inclusion_probs = mean(css_result.gamma_path, dims=1)
println("Factor inclusion probabilities: ", inclusion_probs)
This package is licensed under GPL-3, as required due to being a port of the GPL-3 licensed R package BayesianFactorZoo.
The length of monte-carlo simulations was set to 50,000 and the example data of the R package was used. Run on a Ryzen 5700X3D using 8 threads. Multi-threading of the Julia version is indicated by *.
Method | Julia Time (s) | R Time (s) | Speed Improvement |
Two Pass | 0.000290 | 0.003569 | 12.3x |
SDF GMM | 0.002003 | 0.017919 | 8.9x |
Bayesian FM* | 2.922377 | 27.626776 | 9.5x |
Bayesian SDF* | 3.418054 | 20.833824 | 6.1x |
Continuous SS SDF | 9.049122 | 30.355302 | 3.4x |
Continuous SS SDF v2 | 8.217680 | 31.336624 | 3.8x |
Dirac SS SDF P-value* | 1.954609 | 29.872320 | 15.3x |