The ButterCMS Rails SDK provides a generator that expedites setup of your blog.
For a comprehensive list of examples and API docs, check out our documentation.
To get started, first install the gem by adding it to your Gemfile:
gem 'buttercms-rails'
After installing, run the genereator provided by the gem:
rails generate butter:install_blog
The generator creates an initializer file and default controllers and views:
|-- app
|-- controllers
|-- buttercms
|-- authors_controller.rb
|-- base_controller.rb
|-- categories_controller.rb
|-- feeds_controller.rb
|-- posts_controller.rb
|-- views
|-- buttercms
|-- authors
|-- show.html.erb
|-- categories
|-- show.html.erb
|-- posts
|-- _post.html.erb
|-- index.html.erb
|-- show.html.erb
|-- layouts
|-- buttercms
|-- default.html.erb
|-- config
|-- initializers
|-- buttercms.rb
It also adds routes to your routes.rb
scope :module => 'buttercms' do
get '/categories/:slug' => 'categories#show', :as => :buttercms_category
get '/author/:slug' => 'authors#show', :as => :buttercms_author
get '/blog/rss' => 'feeds#rss', :format => 'rss', :as => :buttercms_blog_rss
get '/blog/atom' => 'feeds#atom', :format => 'atom', :as => :buttercms_blog_atom
get '/blog/sitemap.xml' => 'feeds#sitemap', :format => 'xml', :as => :buttercms_blog_sitemap
get '/blog(/page/:page)' => 'posts#index', :defaults => {:page => 1}, :as => :buttercms_blog
get '/blog/:slug' => 'posts#show', :as => :buttercms_post
After running the generator, set your API token in config/initializers/buttercms.rb
and then start your server to view your blog.
Extending and customizing your blog is easy. The ButterCMS Rails SDK uses the ButterCMS Ruby API Client. Email for help!
The ButterCMS Ruby client supports automatic fallback to a data store when API requests fail. Learn more in the buttercms-ruby README.
Test mode can be used to setup a staging website for previewing content or for testing content during local development. To fetch content from test mode add the following to your initializer:
ButterCMS::test_mode = true
View Rails Blog engine and Full CMS for other examples of using ButterCMS with Rails.