eosio::name user; // primary key
std::string status; // pending, approved, rejected, paid
int distance;
eosio::name user; // primary key
std::string status; // processing, paid
int distance; // same as from requests
double distance_percent; // percent of total distance
int64_t amount; // amount to be paid out
Create a new request. Anyone can do this. This is done through, for conference attendees. The first step on a journey to getting paid, and the only one the conference attendee needs to make. This info is saved in the Requests table (user, status = "pending")
void create ( eosio::name user)
Approve an attendee for a certain distance. This can only be done by the admin user. provides the interface for this, for the admin. We take their departing city and calculate the distance to Rio in miles. That info is saved in the Requests table (distance, status = "approved")
void approve(eosio::name user, int distance)
Admin can use this action to reject a spammer, or otherwise invalid account. Updates Requests (status = "rejected")
void reject ( eosio::name user)
Admin user runs this to generate the Payouts table for verifiation Should only be run after all approvals have been made. Calculates the percentage each attendee should receive. This info is saved in the Payouts table (user, status = 'processing', distance, distance_percent, amount) The contract balance, total percentage and total amount to be paid out are logged for verification purposes. Note that the amount given out will not total up to be the exact balance of the contract - we can only be precise up to 1 one thousandth of an EOS. We drop the remainder (otherwise we would exceed the balance of the account and the transaction would fail in the disburse step below).
void process()
Admin runs this after Payouts table has been verified as correct. Loops through and pays out the amount noted in "amount" in the Payouts table. It uses inline actions for this, and the disburse action can't tell whether or not it has succeeded, so this must be verified after the fact.
void disburse()
Admin can use this action to erase a user from Requests. Usually used to iterate through and clear out a table for debugging, or individual test users. In the debug process, it's useful to erase users from the Payout table too, but we disable this for live usage.
void erase( eosio::name user)
Admin can use this action to mark a user as paid. This would only be done after manual verification. Updates Payouts (status="paid") Updates Requests (status="paid")
void complete( eosio::name user) {
Used in the contract as an inline action for debugging only Allows us to verify amount being sent is correct, by reading
void log( std::string message)