In this project, we implement a text classifier using multinomial naive bayes model on Reuters-21578 dataset. This is done in the following steps:
- Construct training and test datasets using LEWISSPLIT tag.
- Build naive bayes model.
- Normally, multinomial naive bayes uses all the words in the given documents. This generally results is good representations.
- Additionally, we implement mutual information feature selection to use only the top K most important words in training documents.
- Predict the classes of test documents using the already built model.
- Output metrics. In this project, we use micro-averaged, macro-averaged and unaveraged precision, recall and F1-scores.
- g++-5 and above with full C++14 support
- cmake 3.2.2 and above
- dirent.h header to retrieve file information. This normally comes installed C POSIX library. However, if you are on Windows and compiling with MSVC, you need to obtain this header manually.
- Porter Stemmer in file src/porter_stemmer.cpp. For reference page, go to
- doxygen (optional)
To build the project, run the following commands in the project root directory
chmod +x
./ release
This will build the project and create two executables: construct_datasets and classifier.
You can build the project in debug mode if you want to debug its execution trace by running
./ debug
If you want to get rid of all build files, run
./ clean
You can view the documentation in the source files. Optionally, you can build the project documentation using doxygen and view it in your browser. To build the documentation, doxygen must be installed on your system. After installing doxygen, type the following command in the project root directory to build the documentation:
./ doc
To view the documentation, open doc/html/index.html
file with your
The build process creates two executables:
This is the executable to construct training and test datasets from Reuters files.
construct_datasets executable expects the following directory layout:
├── reut2-000.sgm
├── reut2-001.sgm
├── reut2-002.sgm
To obtain the Reutrs-21578 dataset, please go to reuters21578, download the gzipped tar archive and copy it into the project root directory. Then, by running script, you can create the necessary dataset layout.
Afterwards to to construct the datasets, simply run
construct_datasets creates a training set called train.txt and a test set called test.txt
classifier is the executable to train a Naive Bayes model or predict using an already trained model. To see help message explaining program arguments, run
classifier executable works by saving the trained model on a model file. To predict, it requires an already predicted model file.
To train a Naive Bayes classifier from a training set called train.txt run
./classifier --fit train.txt model.txt
The program will create model.txt file containing prior and likelihood counts of each term-class pair.
You can also train a model using only a subset of the features. This subset is chosen using mutual information criterion. To train a model by using the 50 most important word for each class, run
./classifier --fit train.txt model.txt --num-features 50 2> important_words
This command will fit the classifier and output the most 50 important word for each class to important_words file.
To predict classes of all samples in a test set saved in test.txt using an already trained and saved model in model.txt file run
./classifier --predict test.txt model.txt > out 2> log
After this program exits, out file will contain the actual and predicted label of each class. Each line of out corresponds to a sample. log file will contain metrics of the prediction. Micro averaged, macro averaged and unaveraged precision, recall and F1-score metrics are saved to log.
ID: 15273 | Test: grain | Pred: grain
ID: 18482 | Test: grain | Pred: grain