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This repository includes the packages and instructions to run the JT-DS dynamical system, which introduced in "The Augmented Joint-space Task-oriented Dynamical System". You can find the paper here:

and the corresponding video here:


This research was conducted in the Learning Algorithms and Systems Laboratory (LASA) at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) under the supervision of Prof. Aude Billard. ----


Mathlib form Robot-toolkit ( 

How to run

1- Initialization:

  • jseds::jseds(double dt_,int Num_C_,int Num_J_,int Num_Com_, Vector P_Joint_min_, Vector P_Joint_max_)
      dt_ is the sample time.
      Num_ Com_ is the number of the Gaussian components 
      Num_J is the number of the joints 
      Num_C_ is the dimension of the end-effector position
      P_Joint_min_ and P_Joint_max_ are the minimum and maximum of the joints positions.
  • jseds::initialize_P(const char *path_)
path_ is the path to the P matrix
  • jseds::initialize_A(const char *path_)
path_ is the path to the A matrices
  • jseds::initialize_GMM_Latend(const char *path_prior_,const char *path_mu_,const char *path_sigma_,const char *path_W_)
path_prior_, path_mu_ and path_sigma_ are the paths to the Gaussian elements.

path_W_ is the path to the dimension reduction matrix.

2- In the update loop:

  • jseds::Set_State(Vector P_END_,Vector P_Joints_,Matrix Jacobian_, Vector Target_)
P_END_ is the current position of the end-effector
P_Joints_ is the current position of the joints
Jacobian_ is the current Jacobian matrix
Target_ is the desired end-effector positions

3- jseds::Update()

4- jseds::Get_State(Vector &V_joints_,Vector &P_joints_New_)

V_joints_ The desired velocity of the joints
P_joints_New_  The desired position of the joints

An example of executions is available here: