A Lightweight and fully asynchronous WebSocket client library based on libev for Embedded Linux. And provide Lua-binding.
libev tries to follow the UNIX toolbox philosophy of doing one thing only, as good as possible.
- Lightweight - 35KB(Using glibc,stripped)
- Fully asynchronous - Use libev as its event backend
- Support ssl - OpenSSL, mbedtls and CyaSSl(wolfssl)
- Code structure is concise and understandable, also suitable for learning
- Lua-binding
- libev
- openssl - If you choose openssl as your SSL backend
- mbedtls(polarssl) - If you choose mbedtls as your SSL backend
- cyassl(wolfssl) - If you choose wolfssl as your SSL backend
- lua-ev - If you use Lua
sudo apt install libev-dev libssl-dev
git clone --recursive
cd libuwsc
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make && sudo make install
opkg update
opkg list | grep libuwsc
opkg install libuwsc-nossl
If the install command fails, you can compile it yourself.
If you would like to help making libuwsc better, see the file.