A Lazy.nvim example to use this provider.
config = function()
providers = {
priority = { 'lsp', 'coc', 'markdown', 'norg', 'ctags' },
-- ctags provider options
ctags = {
program = 'ctags',
filetypes = {
['c++'] = {
-- ...
event = "VeryLazy",
dependencies = {
program = 'ctags',
scope_sep = '.',
kinds = {
prototype = 'Function',
member = 'Field',
-- Key is language of ctags with lowercase -- you can run
-- `ctags --list-languages` to get all languages.
-- Value is kind mapping from kind of ctags to kind of outline.nvim.
-- The kind of ctags can be listed to run `ctags --list-kinds-full[=(language)]`,
-- eg. `ctags --list-kinds-full=c++`
-- The kind of outline.nvim listed in document of outline.nvim.
filetypes = {
['c++'] = {
scope_sep = '::',
kinds = {
alias = 'TypeAlias',
['local'] = 'Variable',
typedef = 'TypeAlias',
enumerator = 'Enum',
go = {
kinds = {
func = 'Function',
talias = 'TypeAlias',
methodSpec = 'Function',
var = 'Variable',
const = 'Constant',
type = 'TypeParameter',
packageName = 'Module',
Please read the source code to obtain the latest default configuration.
This plugin is far from mature. If you find any issues, please submit an issue, PR is even better.