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Epicentre Publishing Gallery

Adding an item to the gallery

New items can be added to the gallery.yml file after which they will automatically appear on the website gallery when it is next generated.

Below is an example of an item entry:

- title: West Africa Diphtheria
  description: Intersectional diphtheria linelist dashboard
  access: internal
  status: active
  author: Epi DS
  date-created: '2023-10-29'
  date-modified: '2023-11-17'
  image: assets/img/epicentre_logo.png
    - surveillance
    - diphtheria
    - nigeria
    - niger

Mandatory fields

The following fields must be filled for each new item:

  • title the name of the item that will appear as a header link in the card
  • href the URL of the content you want to share
  • access must be either publicor internal (all lowercase) depending on whether the content is open to everyone or internal to MSF or a specific project
  • status must be either active or archived (all lowercase). Assuming all new entries will be active, but you should update this field to archived when the report or dashboard stops being updated with new data
  • author the name of the group/team/person who is responsible for the content
  • date-created the date the content was first pubished in format 'YYYY-MM-DD'.
  • date-modified the date the content was last modified/updated in format 'YYYY-MM-DD'. By default, the gallery is sorted by status (active before archived) and then this date. You can move your item to the top of the list by updating its modified date to the most recent.

Optional fields

The following fields are optional but recommended:

  • description a short description of the content
  • image include your own card image by adding an image to the assets/img/ directory then reference it in the image field. If you do not add your own image a default epicentre logo will be used
  • categories relevant categories that apply to the content like name of the disease for example. Ensure you do not duplicate an existing category with a different spelling etc. Look at the existing categories on the gallery page to verify.
  • repo a URL linking to the code repository of the project. This is not currently used but may be useful in the future.


Once you have added a new item to items.yml (and an image to assets/img/ ideally), commit these changes to the main branch on github and the site will be automatically re-generated using a github action and published at

Github pages does use caching so you may need to hard refresh your browser to see the changes on the site.