IPAC Driver Version 2.15
Released: 2018-03-16
By: Andrew Johnson
- EPICS Base 3.14.12 (or later)
Instructions for building the IPAC driver software can be found in the drvIpac Documentation.
Once IPAC has been built and installed at the site, it must be added to each IOC application that will use IPAC hardware; see these installation instructions for details.
The source tree includes a copy of all the documents along with the full release notes history for each module; on building these files get installed into a new top-level html
directory. The links below currently point to the HTML files in the github repository, they will not be rendered properly by your browser.
- drvIpac - Industry Pack Driver
- drvTip810 - CAN Bus Driver
- devCan - CAN Bus Device Support
- tyGSOctal - OctalUart IP Module Support
- IP520 - Acromag IP520 Module Support
Release Notes
Changes since V2.14 release.
IPAC Driver
- Support for the IP521 module was added to the ip520 driver, which handles both the RS-422 and RS-485 2-wire half-duplex serial standards.
- IOC shell scripts were added to easily initialize IP-Octal and ip520 modules. Further information about scripts can be found in their respective documentation and in the xxx module wiki.
- Converted the code repository from Subversion at APS to git at github.
- Adjusted various
lines to follow the rules for building shared libraries on Windows.
IP520 - Acromag IP520 Serial Driver
- Support for the IP521 module. This release supports a 2-wire, half-duplex connection for both RS-422 and RS-485. The driver treats both of these electrical standards identically.
- A minor change was made to reduce interrupt overhead by raising the Rx FIFO trigger level from 56 to 60 characters when baudrates of 9600 or below are used.
Tip810 - Basic CANbus driver
- Adjusted the build to clean up deprecation warnings from Base-3.16.1 by switching on the typed rset.