Installation and launch scripts for setting up a standalone instance of EpiData
The epidata-community docker image is available as a stand-alone package with all code and required components. To build and start a docker container, simply execute the command (replacing 'epidata123' with a custom token):
docker run -p 443:443 -it -e token=epidata123 epidataio/epidata-community:0.11.0
Launch a server with the following settings:
- Ubuntu 14.04
- memory of 8GB or larger
- root storage of 30GB or larger
Clone epidata-install to ubuntu user's home directory (/home/ubuntu).
Install and Launch Application:
- cd to /home/ubuntu/epidata-install/scripts folder
- Specify GitHub user ID for 'DefaultUser' in epidata-install/scripts/subscripts/ and epidata/play/app/providers/DemoProvider.scala. To find GitHub user ID for a user, visit
- Run scripts 1_xx through 6_xx in sequence