In order to use the DataCite API the plugin requires the following perl libraries on top of EPrints requirements.
use LWP;
use LWP::Protocol::https;
For systems who's LWP::Protocol::https is older than 6.0.7 and where connections will be made to SNI enabled servers WWW::Curl should be used instead.
use WWW::Curl;
If using WWW::Curl ensure configuration item $c->{datacitedoi}{use_curl}
is defined.
Install the plugin from the bazaar and edit the following config files.
This config file contains all the configurable settings for the plugin, see comments bellow:
#Enable the plugin
$c->{plugins}{"Export::DataCiteXML"}{params}{disable} = 0;
$c->{plugins}{"Event::DataCiteEvent"}{params}{disable} = 0;
# which field to use for the doi
$c->{datacitedoi}{eprintdoifield} = "id_number";
#for xml:lang attributes in XML
$c->{datacitedoi}{defaultlangtag} = "en-GB";
#When should you register/update doi info.
$c->{datacitedoi}{eprintstatus} = {inbox=>0,buffer=>1,archive=>1,deletion=>0};
# Choose which EPrint types are allowed (or denied) the ability to coin DOIs. Keys must be lower case and be eprints *types* not *type_names*.
# Entries here can be explicitly skipped by setting 0; however those not listed with a 1 are not given a Coin DOI button by default.
# To include the 'Coin DOI' button on all types leave this undefined.
# $c->{datacitedoi}{typesallowed} = {
# 'article'=>0, # Article
# 'thesis'=>1, # Thesis
# 'creative_works' => 1, # Creative Works
# 'dataset' => 1, # Dataset
# };
#set these (you will get the from data site)
# doi = {prefix}/{repoid}/{eprintid}
$c->{datacitedoi}{prefix} = "10.5072";
$c->{datacitedoi}{repoid} = $c->{host};
$c->{datacitedoi}{apiurl} = "";
$c->{datacitedoi}{user} = "USER";
$c->{datacitedoi}{pass} = "PASS";
# Backend library used for connecting to API; defaults to LWP (configuration item unset) but can also be Curl (configuration item set).
# $c->{datacitedoi}{use_curl} = "yes";
# Priviledge required to be able to mint DOIs
# See for role and privilege configuration
$c->{datacitedoi}{minters} = "eprint/edit:editor";
# DataCite requires a Publisher
# The name of the entity that holds, archives, publishes,
# prints, distributes, releases, issues, or produces the
# resource. This property will be used to formulate the
# citation, so consider the prominence of the role.
# eg World Data Center for Climate (WDCC);
$c->{datacitedoi}{publisher} = "EPrints Repo";
# Namespace and location for DataCite XML schema
# feel free to update, though no guarantees it'll be accepted if you do
$c->{datacitedoi}{xmlns} = "";
# Try this instead:
# $c->{datacitedoi}{schemaLocation} = $c->{datacitedoi}{xmlns}." ".$c->{datacitedoi}{xmlns}."/metadata.xsd";
$c->{datacitedoi}{schemaLocation} = $c->{datacitedoi}{xmlns}."";
# Need to map eprint type (article, dataset etc) to DOI ResourceType
# Controlled list
# where v is the ResourceType and a is the resourceTypeGeneral
#$c->{datacitedoi}{typemap}{book_section} = {v=>'BookSection',a=>'Text'};
$c->{datacitedoi}{typemap}{article} = {v=>'Article',a=>'Text'};
$c->{datacitedoi}{typemap}{monograph} = {v=>'Monograph',a=>'Text'};
$c->{datacitedoi}{typemap}{thesis} = {v=>'Thesis',a=>'Text'};
$c->{datacitedoi}{typemap}{book} = {v=>'Book',a=>'Text'};
$c->{datacitedoi}{typemap}{patent} = {v=>'Patent',a=>'Text'};
$c->{datacitedoi}{typemap}{artefact} = {v=>'Artefact',a=>'PhysicalObject'};
$c->{datacitedoi}{typemap}{exhibition} = {v=>'Exhibition',a=>'InteractiveResource'};
$c->{datacitedoi}{typemap}{composition} = {v=>'Composition',a=>'Sound'};
$c->{datacitedoi}{typemap}{performance} = {v=>'Performance',a=>'Event'};
$c->{datacitedoi}{typemap}{image} = {v=>'Image',a=>'Image'};
$c->{datacitedoi}{typemap}{video} = {v=>'Video',a=>'AudioVisual'};
$c->{datacitedoi}{typemap}{audio} = {v=>'Audio',a=>'Sound'};
$c->{datacitedoi}{typemap}{dataset} = {v=>'Dataset',a=>'Dataset'};
$c->{datacitedoi}{typemap}{experiment} = {v=>'Experiment',a=>'Text'};
$c->{datacitedoi}{typemap}{teaching_resource} = {v=>'TeachingResourse',a=>'InteractiveResource'};
$c->{datacitedoi}{typemap}{other} = {v=>'Misc',a=>'Collection'};
#For use with recollect
$c->{datacitedoi}{typemap}{data_collection} = {v=>'Dataset',a=>'Dataset'};
$c->{datacitedoi}{typemap}{collection} = {v=>'Collection',a=>'Collection'};
#### DOI syntax config ####
# Set config of DOI delimiters
# Feel free to change, but they must conform to DOI syntax
# If not set will default to prefix/repoid/id the example below gives prefix/
$c->{datacitedoi}{delimiters} = ["/","."];
# If set, plugin will attempt to register what is found in the EP DOI field ($c->{datacitedoi}{eprintdoifield})
# Will only work if what is found adheres to DOI syntax rules (obviously)
$c->{datacitedoi}{allow_custom_doi} = 0;
#Datacite recommend digits of length 8-10 set this param to pad the id to required length
$c->{datacitedoi}{zero_padding} = 8;
### Override which URL gets registered ###
#Only useful for testing from "wrong" domain (eg an unregistered test server) should be undef for normal operation
$c->{datacitedoi}{override_url} = undef;
##### When to coin ? #####
#If auto_coin is set DOIs will be minted on Status change (provided all else is well)
$c->{datacitedoi}{auto_coin} = 0;
#If action_coin is set then a button will be displayed under action tab (for staff) to mint DOIs on an adhoc basis
$c->{datacitedoi}{action_coin} = 1;
# NB setting auto_coin renders action coin redundant as only published items can be registered
####### Formerly in cfg.d/ #########
# Including below as we can make some useful decisions based on the above config.
## Adds the minting plugin to the EP_TRIGGER_STATUS_CHANGE
$c->add_dataset_trigger( "eprint", EP_TRIGGER_STATUS_CHANGE , sub {
my ( %params ) = @_;
my $repository = $params{repository};
return undef if (!defined $repository);
if (defined $params{dataobj}) {
my $dataobj = $params{dataobj};
my $eprint_id = $dataobj->id;
$repository->dataset( "event_queue" )->create_dataobj({
pluginid => "Event::DataCiteEvent",
action => "datacite_doi",
params => [$dataobj->internal_uri],
# Activate an action button, the plugin for which is at
# /plugins/EPrints/Plugin/Screen/EPrint/Staff/
$c->{plugins}{"Screen::EPrint::Staff::CoinDOI"}{params}{disable} = 0;
If using a custom licence you must have phrases for your licences URI and typename (phrases for common licences are supplied in lib/lang/en/phrases/coinDOI.xml
). For example in archives/REPOID/cfg/lang/en/phrases/copyright.xml
you might have these entries
<epp:phrase id="licenses_uri_cc_exampleorg"></epp:phrase>
<epp:phrase id="licenses_typename_cc_exampleor">University of Example important licence</epp:phrase>
See EPrints wiki for the full phrase file format and note that variables (like {$config{http_url}}
) do not appear to be supported in licenses_uri_*.
is added to the queue and actually mints the doi.
adds a button to enable staff to choose when to coin the DOI and request registration.
exports the metadata xml required for minting, this can be used independently and through the user interface.
By default the plugin produces the following mapping:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<resource xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<identifier identifierType="DOI">[[From Config: $c->{datacitedoi}{prefix}/$c->{datacitedoi}{repoid]]/{{Eprintid}}</identifier>
<creatorName>[[From Eprint: Creators]]</creatorName>
<title>[[From Eprint: Title]]/title>
<publisher>[[From Config: $c->{datacitedoi}{publisher}]]</publisher>
<publicationYear>[[From Eprint: Year]]</publicationYear>
<subject>[[From Eprints: Subjects]]</subject>
<resourceType resourceTypeGeneral="[[Mapped From Config: $c->{datacitedoi}{typemap}]]">[[Mapped From Config: $c->{datacitedoi}{typemap}]]</resourceType>
<alternateIdentifier alternateIdentifierType="URL">[[From Eprints: Subjects]]</alternateIdentifier>