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eQual Framework and ProjectFlow Application Documentation

Welcome to the documentation for the eQual Framework and the ProjectFlow application. This document will guide you through the setup and usage of the eQual Framework, as well as the specific features and components of the ProjectFlow application.

About ProjectFlow

ProjectFlow is an application built on top of the eQual Framework. It is designed to help manage projects, companies, employees, and more. This documentation will provide insights into the key aspects of the ProjectFlow application.

Now, let's dive into the details of the eQual Framework and ProjectFlow application.

Model Entity relational


1.- Installation


ProjectFlow requires eQual framework

Clone Project

Go to /package and run this command.

$ git clone

Initialization package

$ ./ --do=init_package --package=projectFlow

2.- Application structure

The application is organized into various components, which are stored within a package folder located under the /packages directory. In this example, the package is named /projectFlow.

Each package is structured as follows:

├── classes
│   └── */*.class.php
├── data
│   └── *.json
├── init
│   └── data
│   	└── *.json
├── views
│   └── *.json
├── manifest.json

3.- Initial application data

To initialize the database, navigate to /data/init, where you can find all the information that will be stored in the database. The files in this directory follow a generic filename format: {project_name}_{class_name}.json.

Here's an example: projectflow_Company.json..

    "name": "projectFlow\\Company",
    "lang": "en",
    "data": [
        "id": 1,
        "name": "Yesbabylon",
        "direction": "Bd du Souverain 24",
        "creationdate": "2023-06-01",
        "phone": "0486152419"
        "id": 2,
        "name": "Company Flee",
        "direction": "rue de la reine",
        "creationdate": "2013-06-27",
        "phone": "0485963215"

3.- Configuration

Config file

eQual Framework expects an optional root configuration file in the /config directory.

    "DB_DBMS": "MYSQL",
    "DB_HOST": "equal_db",
    "DB_PORT": "3306",
    "DB_USER": "root",
    "DB_PASSWORD": "test",
    "DB_NAME": "equal",
    "DEFAULT_PACKAGE": "core",
    "AUTH_SECRET_KEY": "my_secret_key",
    "AUTH_TOKEN_HTTPS": false,
    "ROOT_APP_URL": "http://equal.local"

Initiate your package with initial data in DB

$ ./ --do=init_package --package=projectFlow --import=true

You can see the tables created in equal data base. The names tables are {{package_name}}_{{entity}} You can see the all data, open the table projectflow_client with your prefect DBMS.

Consistency with Database

Performs consistency checks between DB and class as well as syntax validation for classes (PHP), views and translation files (JSON). Typing this command.

$ ./ --do=test_package-consistency --package=projectFlow

4.- Authentication

To create an account, use the following command:

$ ./ --do=model_create --entity=core\\User --fields[login]='' --fields[password]='project'

Please note that the user must be validated to gain access. To validate a user, use the following command. Make sure to have the user's ID:

$ ./ --do=model_update --entity='core\User' --ids=3 --fields='{validated:true}'

You can also add a user as a member of a specific group using the following command:

$ ./ --do=group_add-user --group=users --user=3

After completing these steps, go to http://equal.local/apps/, log in with your user credentials, and click on the "Project" application.

5.- Model definition

Each model is defined in a .class.php file located in the /packages/projectFlow/classes directory. All classes inherit from a common ancestor: the Model class, which is declared in the equal\orm namespace and defined in /lib/equal/orm/Model.class.php.

In this context, a class is always referred to as an entity and belongs to a specific package. Packages and their subdirectories are used as namespaces with the format package_name.

The standard filename format for these class files is: {class_name}.class.php.


The creationdate field is automatically set to the current date by default, so you can use time() to capture it.

Feel free to continue with additional information or explanations about the "Company" class and its structure.

namespace projectFlow;
use equal\orm\Model;

class Company extends Model {

    public static function getColumns() {
        return [
            'name' => [
                'type'              => 'string',
                'description'       => "Name of the company.",
                'required'          => true,
            'direction' => [
                'type'              => 'string',
                'description'       => "Direction of the company.",
            'creationdate' => [
                'type'              => 'date',
                'description'       => "Date of creation of the company.",
                'default'           => time(),
            'phone' => [
                'type'              => 'string',
                'description'       => "Phone of the company.",
                'usage'             => 'phone',
             // Each company can have employees
            'employees_ids' => [
                'type'              => 'one2many',
                'foreign_object'    => 'projectFlow\Employee',
                'foreign_field'     => 'company_id'



  • The name field is mandatory and must be unique.
  • The isactive field is set to true by default.


  • The name field is mandatory.
  • The startdate field defaults to the current date.
  • The budget field defaults to 1000.
  • The status field has options: ['draft', 'approved', 'in_progress', 'cancelled', 'finished'].


  • The firstname and lastname fields are mandatory.
  • The namefield is derived from the concatenation of firstname and lastname. This is achieved through the calcName function.
  • Additional dependencies are added to the firstname and lastname fields.
  • The salary field defaults to 1000.


  • The hours field is mandatory,

6.- Views

For each entity, default views for both list and form types should be defined. These views can be found in the /views folder within the projectFlow package.

The standard filename format for these views is: {class_name}.{view_type}.{view_name}.json.

Here's an example of both a list and a form view for the "Company" entity:


  "name": "Companies",
  "description": "All information companies.",
  "domain": [],
  "order": "creationdate",
  "layout": {
    "items": [
        "type": "field",
        "value": "id",
        "width": "25%"
        "type": "field",
        "value": "name",
        "width": "25%"
        "type": "field",
        "value": "direction",
        "width": "25%"
        "type": "field",
        "value": "creationdate",
        "label": "Creation",
        "width": "25%"
        "type": "field",
        "value": "phone",
        "width": "25%"

Company.form.default.json: This view is designed for displaying detailed information about a company, including an additional section for listing employees associated with the company.


Client.list.default.json: The results are sorted by the name field. Pagination is implemented with a limit of 10 entries per page.

Client.form.default.json: In this form view, a new section called "Projects" has been added. This section displays the list of projects associated with each client, providing a comprehensive view of the client's projects.


Project.list.default.json: The list of projects is sorted by the startdate field, and the view includes the total budgets for all projects.

Project.form.default.json: This form view now includes a dedicated "Employees" section. This section provides information about the employees working on each project.


Employee.list.default.json: The result is sorted by lastname and fistname and shows the total employees


EmployeeProject.list.default.json: The result is group by employee and shows the total hours

7.- Menu

See the file in /views .

  "name": "Project menu",
  "access": {
    "groups": [
  "layout": {
    "items": [
        "id": "project.project.test",
        "label": "ProjectFlow",
        "description": "",
        "icon": "menu_book",
        "type": "parent",
        "children": [
            "id": "",
            "type": "entry",
            "label": "Companies",
            "description": "",
            "context": {
              "entity": "projectFlow\\Company",
              "view": "list.default"

8.- Manifest

See manifest.json file in the /projectFlow directory.

  "name": "Project",
  "version": "1.0",
  "author": "Yesbabylon",
  "depends_on": [
  "apps": [
      "id": "project",
      "name": "Project",
      "extends": "app",
      "description": "Applitation project flow",
      "icon": "ad_units",
      "color": "#3498DB",
      "access": {
        "groups": [
      "params": {
        "menus": {
          "left": "app.left"

9.- Project Status and Workflow

Status Flow of the Project

The project status flow is represented in the following image. It indicates the different states and transitions within the project life cycle.


Managing Project Statuses

In the project management code, the 'getWorkflow' method within the Project.class.php class is responsible for handling project statuses. By reviewing this method, you can gain insight into how project statuses are managed and manipulated programmatically.

Project Form Actions

The Project.form.default.json file defines the available actions related to projects. Below is an example of an action configuration:

 "actions": [
      "id": "action.draft",
      "label": "Draft",
      "description": "Draft project.",
      "controller": "core_model_transition",
      "visible": [
      "confirm": true,
      "params": {
        "entity": "projectFlow\\Project",
        "transition": "to_draft",
        "ids": []

This example demonstrates an action named 'Draft', which allows you to transition a project from the 'approved' status to the 'draft' status. The action is triggered via the core_model_transition controller, and it includes various parameters for effective project management.

10.- Controller View List

The controller property specifies the controller responsible for retrieving the model collection to be displayed in the view.


"controller": "projectFlow_project-collect"

The project-collect controller performs advanced project search, allowing users to filter and retrieve project collections based on multiple parameters.

In the case of the project-collect controller, it corresponds to a project-collect.php file located in the /data directory and a file in the /view directory.

Here project-collect.php :


use equal\orm\Domain;
use projectFlow\Project;

list($params, $providers) = eQual::announce([
    'description'   => 'Advanced search for Reports: returns a collection of Reports according to extra paramaters.',
    'extends'       => 'core_model_collect',
    'params'        => [
        'entity' =>  [
            'description'   => 'name',
            'type'          => 'string',
            'default'       => 'projectFlow\Project'
        'status' => [
            'type'              => 'string',
            'selection'         => ['all','draft', 'approved','in_progress','cancelled','finished'],
            'description'       => 'Projects with a specific status.'
        'budget_min' => [
            'type'              => 'integer',
            'description'       => 'Minimal budget for the project.'
        'budget_max' => [
            'type'              => 'integer',
            'description'       => 'Maximal budget for the project.'
        'client_id' => [
            'type'              => 'many2one',
            'foreign_object'    => 'projectFlow\Client',
            'description'       => 'client of project to which the reports relate.'
    'response'      => [
        'content-type'  => 'application/json',
        'charset'       => 'utf-8',
        'accept-origin' => '*'
    'providers'     => [ 'context', 'orm' ]
 * @var \equal\php\Context $context
 * @var \equal\orm\ObjectManager $orm
list($context, $orm) = [ $providers['context'], $providers['orm'] ];

//   Add conditions to the domain to consider advanced parameters
$domain = $params['domain'];

if(isset($params['status']) && strlen($params['status']) > 0 && $params['status']!= 'all') {
    $domain = Domain::conditionAdd($domain, ['status', '=', $params['status']]);

if(isset($params['budget_min']) && $params['budget_min'] > 0) {
    $domain = Domain::conditionAdd($domain, ['budget', '>=', $params['budget_min']]);

if(isset($params['budget_max']) && $params['budget_max'] > 0) {
    $domain = Domain::conditionAdd($domain, ['budget', '<=', $params['budget_max']]);

if(isset($params['client_id']) && $params['client_id'] > 0) {
    $domain = Domain::conditionAdd($domain, ['client_id', '=', $params['client_id']]);

$params['domain'] = $domain;
$result = eQual::run('get', 'model_collect', $params, true);



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