- Created Repository.
- Added .gitignore, pushed "Hello World" program to check the working of github.
- Learned Basic Git commands.
- Basic Calculator using Makefile.
- add(), sub(), mul(), div()
- Section Demo Program
- Process Id / Parent Process ID Demo Program
- Library call and System Call Demo Program
- Used "STRACE" Command
- File operations on Kernel
- open(), close(), read(), write()
- Static Library & Dynamic Library programs
- Static Linking & Dynamic Linking
- Process Scheduling
- Fork Demo -created a child process
- Fork Demo (cont.)
- created a child process and checked PID & PPID
- Zombie Process Program
- Orphan Process Program
- Program to check the number of Zombie Process a system can handle.
- Installed EMUX in PC.
- Pipe Demo Program
- FIFO Demo
- Created FIFO with access permissions "0660"
- Sender program
- Receiver program
- Thread Demo Program
Assignment 01: Application of FIFO
- Write your own utility using System Calls (open,close,read,write) to copy data from one file to another file. Essentially you are implementing a copy utility. Fullfledged utility should support the following options:
- Handling all the Errors.
- cp srcfile destfile
- Write your own utility using Library Calls (fopen,fclose,fread,fwrite) to copy data from one file to another file. Essentially you are implementing a copy utility. Fullfledged utility should support the following options:
- Handling all the Errors.
- cp srcfile destfile
- Case Study
Which of the following program took more time to copy files.
- Small
- Medium
- Large
Program Threadjoin.
Program Thread Attributes
- Joinable & Detachable
Program to check Race Condition.
- Program Mutex Demo
- Program for Recursive
- Problem
- Solution
- Program for Mutex-Trylock
- Program for Mutex-Timedlock
- Semaphore
- Mutual Exclusion Program
- Overview of Use of Semaphore in signaling
- Cross Compilation done for all programs
- Program without using Signalling Method (Problem)
- Program using Signalling Method (Solution)
- Program for Read/Write Lock Method.
- Program for Exec() system Call
- Exec_demo
- Program for Barrier Synchronization
- Problem
- Solution
- Program for Conditional Variable
- Problem
- Solution
- Assignments Completed
- Process Synchronization using Signalling Semaphore (With Initial values s1=s2=1)
- Process Synchronization using Counting Semaphore
- To create own Dummy_shell
- Demo Program for Read & Write using Shared Memory
- Demo Program to send & receive data using Message Queue
- Assignment -IPC
- Shared Memory:
- P1: Declare your own structure => {pid, ppid}
- P1: Tranfer structure to another process P2
- P2: Receive this structure and print it out
- Message Queue:
- P1: Declare your own structure => {pid, ppid}
- P1: Tranfer structure to another process P2
- P2: Receive this structure and print it out
- Demo Program for Socket
- Client
- Server
- Assignment : Error Checking Mutex
- Shared Memory using Semaphores
- Uboot & Custom Root File System