Table of Contents generated with DocToc
- RADseq of Japanese Eels
- Prep sequencing data:
- Prep data for STACKS
- Create SNP catalog using STACKS
- Step 1: Create stacks using a reference genome (ref_map)
- Step 2: Run corrections module (rxstacks)
- Step 3: Reassemble the catalog after running corrections module
- Step 4: Run populations module on catalog to calculate stats
- Step 5: Filter out samples with low calls and loci with high depth, rerun populations
- Step 6: Run populations module on "meta-populations"
- Run analyses on final data set
This repo contains all of the scripts and log files used to process the RADseq data for the paper "Lack of spatial and temporal genetic structure of Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica) populations", led by Xiaoling Gong. A PDF of the article and the raw data are available. Note that all analyses start in the base directory.
|- README # Description of analyses performed
|- data/ # Any data put into analyses - may be raw or processed (note: not version controlled currently due to size)
| |- fastq_files_updated # Contains raw fastq files
| |- genomes # Contains downloaded A. japonica reference genome
| |- sample_info # contains sample information files
| |- STACKS_processed # Contains all of the files, processed by STACKS (not version controlled due to size)
|- log/ # Contains electronic lab notebook files, titled by date
|- scripts/ # Contains all scripts used to run analyses
|- results/ # Contains all output from scripts (note: not version controlled currently due to size)
| |- 1_general_info # Contains sample and read info
| |- 2_processing_info # Contains depth and alignment info
| |- 3_optimizing_depth # Plots and stats from STACKS depth optimization
| |- 4_Fst # Fst tables and plots for each depth
| |- 5_admixture # Admixture results and plots for each depth
| |- 6_PCA # PCA plots for each depth
| |- 7_ANOVA # ANOVA p-values m3 only
A table listing the Figure/Table in the final paper, script, and generated file (with location) is listed below:
Item | file | script |
Figure 1a | results/1_general_info/map_sample_locations.pdf | make_map_for_eelseq_project.R |
Figure 1b | results/1_general_info/timeline_sample_collection.pdf | make_map_for_eelseq_project.R |
Figure 2 | results/3_optimizing_depth/barplot_variant_sites_per_pop_across_min_stack_depths.pdf | plot_loci_per_population.R |
Figure 3 | results/3_optimizing_depth/barplot_diversity_by_population_m3.pdf | plot_loci_per_population.R |
Figure 4a | results/3_optimizing_depth/m3_plot_time_distance_by_genetic_distance_yangzte.png | plot_Fst_over_time_and_space.R |
Figure 4b | results/3_optimizing_depth/m3_plot_geographic_distance_by_genetic_distance_no_out_group.pdf | plot_Fst_over_time_and_space.R |
Figure 5 | results/4_Fst/m3/plot_individual_genetic_distance_rooted_tree_122018ERD.pdf | Fst_analyses_for_eelseq.R |
Figure 6 | results/6_PCA/m3/ | plot_PCA.R |
Supplementary Figure 1 | results/5_admixture/m3/all_individuals/plot_admixture_K2.pdf | plot_admixture_barchart.R |
Supplementary Table 1 | results/7_ANOVA/m3/table_Tukey_ANOA_p_values_11_japanese_eel_pops_whiteout_P_less_than_0.01.txt | ANOVA_script.R |
Supplementary Table 2 | results/4_Fst/m3/ | fst_for_supplementary_table_2 |
Xiaoling obtained four sequencing files from the company who sequenced the eels (stored on cbsufsrv5 at data2/japaneseEel/data/fastq_files_updated/
- 32manli1_R1.fastq.gz
- 32manli2_R1.fastq.gz
- 36manli2_R1.fastq.gz
- 36manli2_R2.fastq.gz
Files that start with 32 are the single-end libraries. Files that start with 36 are the paired-end libraries. manli1 is library mix 1. manli2 is library mix 2. R1 are all forward reads (only read for single-end sequencing). R2 are the paired end reads (where applicable).
The single-end reads were only sequenced to 100bp, while the paired-end reads were sequenced to 125bp.
Trim off the last 25 bases of the PE reads from 36manli2_R1.fastq.gz
so that all the fragments are the same length (using fastx-toolkit) [from cbsulogin
# Make new directory for output files:
mkdir /fs/cbsufsrv5/data2/japaneseEel/data/fastq_files_updated/36manli2_pe_trimmed/
# Unzip fastq.gz file:
gunzip /fs/cbsufsrv5/data2/japaneseEel/data/fastq_files_updated/36manli2_R1.fastq.gz
# Submit script to trip reads to 100bp:
qsub scripts/ /fs/cbsufsrv5/data2/japaneseEel/data/fastq_files_updated/ 36manli2_R1.fastq /fs/cbsufsrv5/data2/japaneseEel/data/fastq_files_updated/36manli2_pe_trimmed/
# Zip up fastq file:
gzip /fs/cbsufsrv5/data2/japaneseEel/data/fastq_files_updated/36manli2_R1.fastq
Library 2 (li2) sequenced twice, once single-end and once paired-end.
Combining the forward reads two libraries together, using the trimmed PE reads [from cbsufsrv5
# Combine li2 files:
zcat data/fastq_files_updated/36manli2_pe_trimmed/36manli2_R1.fastq.gz data/fastq_files_updated/32manli2_R1.fastq.gz > ../data/fastq_files_updated/32_36_manli2_R1_merged.fastq
# zip up the merged file:
gzip data/fastq_files_updated/32_36_manli2_R1_merged.fastq
First, make a barcode file for stacks [from cbsulm06
Next, make a population map file for STACKS [from cbsulm06
Finally, run process_radtags
to QC the reads and demultiplex the samples [from cbsulm06
Process 32manli1 file:
/programs/stacks-1.48/bin/process_radtags \
-f /fs/cbsufsrv5/data2/japaneseEel/data/fastq_files_updated/32manli1_R1.fastq.gz \
-i 'gzfastq' \
-o /fs/cbsufsrv5/data2/japaneseEel/data/STACKS_processed/0_process_radtags_out/ \
-b data/sample_info/bcfile_manli1_for_stacks.txt \
-c \
-q \
-D \
-e 'kpnI' \
Process merged manli2 file:
/programs/stacks-1.48/bin/process_radtags \
-f /fs/cbsufsrv5/data2/japaneseEel/data/fastq_files_updated/32_36_manli2_R1_merged.fastq.gz \
-i 'gzfastq' \
-o /fs/cbsufsrv5/data2/japaneseEel/data/STACKS_processed/0_process_radtags_out/ \
-b data/sample_info/bcfile_manli2_for_stacks.txt \
-c \
-q \
-D \
-e 'kpnI' \
Downloaded the japanese eel nuclear and mtDNA genomes from ([Organism:noexp]):
Nuclear source:
mtDNA source (send to fasta file and then gzipped):
The mitochondrial genome is included in the nuclear source file, but we want to consider nuclear and mito DNA separately.
Use BBmap to remove that mito sequence [from cbsulm06
/programs/bbmap-35.66/ \
in=/fs/cbsufsrv5/data2/japaneseEel/genomes/a_japonica/ \
out=a_japonica_nuclear_genome.fasta \
names=CM002536.1 \
Unzip genome so Bowtie can build it:
gunzip /data/genomes/a_japonica/nuclear/a_japonica_nuclear_genome.fasta.gz
Use Bowtie to make an index of the reference genome:
mkdir bowtie_indexes/
/programs/bowtie-1.1.2/bowtie-build a_japonica_nuclear_genome.fasta /data2/japaneseEel/data/genomes/a_japonica/nuclear/bowtie_indexes/
Unzip Stacks processed fastq files (in data/STACKS_processed/0_process_radtags_out/
on cbsufsrv5
for i in *.gz
echo $i
gunzip $i
From the login node, submit jobs to map reads [from cbsulogin
# Make directory for output
mkdir /fs/cbsufsrv5/data2/japaneseEel/data/STACKS_processed/1_aligned_to_nuclear_genome_bowtie/
# Map reads
for i in /fs/cbsufsrv5/data2/japaneseEel/data/STACKS_processed/0_process_radtags_out/*.fq
myarg=`basename $i`
qsub scripts/ \
/fs/cbsufsrv5/data2/japaneseEel/data/STACKS_processed/0_process_radtags_out/ \
$myarg \
/fs/cbsufsrv5/data2/japaneseEel/data/genomes/a_japonica/nuclear/bowtie_indexes/ \
a_japonica_nuclear \
Rezip up the fastq files (from data/STACKS_processed/0_process_radtags_out/
on cbsufsrv5
for i in *.fq
echo $i
gzip $i
Pull unmapped reads from sam files [from cbsulogin
Make a directory for the unmapped read files:
mkdir /fs/cbsufsrv5/data2/japaneseEel/data/STACKS_processed/2_unmapped_reads_from_nuclear_genome_bowtie/
Run scripts to pull reads:
for i in /fs/cbsufsrv5/data2/japaneseEel/data/STACKS_processed/1_aligned_to_nuclear_genome_bowtie/*.sam
myarg=`basename $i`
qsub scripts/ \
/fs/cbsufsrv5/data2/japaneseEel/data/STACKS_processed/1_aligned_to_nuclear_genome_bowtie/ \
$myarg \
Rename to remove the unmapped bit (from data/STACKS_processed/2_unmapped_reads_from_nuclear_genome_bowtie/
on cbsufsrv5
for i in *.fastq
mv $i $(echo $i | sed s/_unmapped//)
Make directory for general processing information
mkdir results/1_general_info/
Double check that those files have the same number of reads as we expect from the sam files:
Mapping those reads to mtDNA [from cbsulogin
Make a directory for output:
mkdir /fs/cbsufsrv5/data2/japaneseEel/data/STACKS_processed/3_aligned_to_mitochondrial_genome/
Map the reads to mtDNA:
for i in /fs/cbsufsrv5/data2/japaneseEel/data/STACKS_processed/2_unmapped_reads_from_nuclear_genome_bowtie/*.fastq
myarg=`basename $i`
qsub /fs/cbsufsrv5/data2/japaneseEel/scripts/ \
/fs/cbsufsrv5/data2/japaneseEel/data/STACKS_processed/2_unmapped_reads_from_nuclear_genome_bowtie/ \
$myarg \
/fs/cbsufsrv5/data2/japaneseEel/data/genomes/a_japonica/mtDNA/bowtie_indexes/ \
a_japonica_mtDNA \
Remove the .fastq from the middle of the file name for those mtDNA mapped reads (in /data2/japaneseEel/data/STACKS_processed/3_aligned_to_mitochondrial_genome/
on cbsufsrv5
for i in *
mv $i $(echo $i | sed s/.fastq//)
Count the number of reads mapping and unmapped after bowtie:
# Make directory for results:
mkdir results/2_processing_info/
Summarize the number of reads mapped to mtDNA:
Make output directories:
mkdir -p data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m3/
mkdir -p data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m6/
mkdir -p data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m10/
ref_map options:
= the population map file--samples
= path to where the .sam files are located (names are read from the population map file)-b
= the batch ID-B
= the database name (must end in _radtags)-D
= description of the data on this run to be displayed (parameters)--create_db
= create a database if it doesn't exist (--overw_db to overwrite it)-m
= minimum stack depth-T
= number of threads to execute-X
"populations:--fstats" = calculate F statistics for each population-o
= path to store output files-e
= path to stacks executables
Run ref_map
on cbsulm06, varying minimum stack depth (choices: 3, 6, 10) [from cbsulm06
# Read depth of 3 to call stack:
/programs/stacks-1.48/bin/ \
--samples data/STACKS_processed/1_aligned_to_nuclear_genome_bowtie/ \
-O data/sample_info/population_file_for_stacks.txt \
-b 1 \
-B japaneseEel_radtags \
-D "Population RADseq Samples: m:3" \
--create_db \
-m 3 \
-T 4 \
-X "populations:--fstats" \
-o data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m3/ \
-e /programs/stacks-1.48/bin/
# Read depth of 6 to call stack:
/programs/stacks-1.48/bin/ \
--samples data/STACKS_processed/1_aligned_to_nuclear_genome_bowtie/ \
-O data/sample_info/population_file_for_stacks.txt \
-b 3 \
-B japaneseEel_radtags \
-D "Population RADseq Samples: m:6" \
-m 6 \
-T 4 \
-X "populations:--fstats" \
-o data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m6/ \
-e /programs/stacks-1.48/bin/
# Read depth of 10 to call stack:
/programs/stacks-1.48/bin/ \
--samples data/STACKS_processed/1_aligned_to_nuclear_genome_bowtie/ \
-O data/sample_info/population_file_for_stacks.txt \
-b 4 \
-B japaneseEel_radtags \
-D "Population RADseq Samples: m:10" \
-m 10 \
-T 4 \
-X "populations:--fstats" \
-o data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m10/ \
-e /programs/stacks-1.48/bin/
Make output folders for rxstacks
mkdir -p data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m3/rxstacks_corrected/
mkdir -p data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m6/rxstacks_corrected/
mkdir -p data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m10/rxstacks_corrected/
= batch id-P
= path to stacks output files to be analyzed-t
= number of threads--lnl_lim
= minimum log likelihood required to keep a catalog locus--conf_lim
= proportion of loci in population that must be confounded relative to the catalog locus [between 0 and 1]--prune_haplo
= prune out non-biological haplotypes unlikely to occur in the population--model_type
= 'snp' (default), 'bounded', or 'fixed'--alpha
= chi square significance level required to call a het or homozygote [either 0.1 (default), 0.05, 0.01, 0.001]--bound_high
= upper bound for error rate (between 0 an 1 (default))--verbose
= extended logging (forces single-threaded execution)--lnl_dist
= print distribution of mean log likelihoods for catalog loci
Run rxstacks
on the three depths:
# Read depth of 3 to call stack:
/programs/stacks-1.48/bin/rxstacks -b 1 \
-P data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m3/ \
-o data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m3/rxstacks_corrected/ \
-t 2 \
--lnl_lim -10 \
--conf_lim 0.25 \
--prune_haplo \
--model_type bounded \
--bound_high 0.1 \
--lnl_dist \
--verbose \
# Read depth of 6 to call stack:
/programs/stacks-1.48/bin/rxstacks -b 3 \
-P data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m6/ \
-o data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m6/rxstacks_corrected/ \
-t 2 \
--lnl_lim -10 \
--conf_lim 0.25 \
--prune_haplo \
--model_type bounded \
--bound_high 0.1 \
--lnl_dist \
--verbose \
# Read depth of 10 to call stack:
/programs/stacks-1.48/bin/rxstacks -b 4 \
-P data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m10/ \
-o data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m10/rxstacks_corrected/ \
-t 2 \
--lnl_lim -10 \
--conf_lim 0.25 \
--prune_haplo \
--model_type bounded \
--bound_high 0.1 \
--lnl_dist \
--verbose \
Create scripts to rerun cstacks
and sstacks
after running rxstacks
# Read depth of 3 to call stack:
scripts/create_stacks_running_scripts.R \
--pop_map=data/sample_info/population_file_for_stacks_no_JJ-107.txt \
--b=1 \
--p=4 \
--io_path=data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m3/rxstacks_corrected/ \
# Read depth of 6 to call stack:
scripts/create_stacks_running_scripts.R \
--pop_map=data/sample_info/population_file_for_stacks_no_JJ-107.txt \
--b=3 \
--p=4 \
--io_path=data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m6/rxstacks_corrected/ \
# Read depth of 10 to call stack:
scripts/create_stacks_running_scripts.R \
--pop_map=data/sample_info/population_file_for_stacks_no_JJ-107.txt \
--b=4 \
--p=4 \
--io_path=data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m10/rxstacks_corrected/ \
Run rerun scripts:
chmod +x scripts/rerun*.sh
= path to stacks output files to be analyzed-b
= batch ID-M
= path to population map-t
= numer of threads to run in parallele sections of code-s
= output file to SQL database-p
= minimum number of populations a locus must be present in to process a locus.-r
= minimum percentage of individuals in a population required to process a locus for that population-m
= minimum stack depth required for individuals at a locus--write_single_snp
= restrict data analysis to only the first SNP per locus--fstats
= SNP and haplotype-based F-statistics--genomic
= output each nucleotide position (fixed or polymorphic) in all population members to a file--vcf
= output SNPs in VCF--plink
= output genotypes in plink format--verbose
= turn on logging
Run the populations
module to calculate Fst, etc:
# Stack depth = 3:
/programs/stacks-1.48/bin/populations \
-P data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m3/rxstacks_corrected/ \
-b 1 \
-M data/sample_info/population_file_for_stacks_no_JJ-107.txt \
-t 4 \
-s \
-p 1 \
-r .6 \
-m 3 \
--write_single_snp \
--fstats \
--genomic \
--vcf \
--plink \
# Stack depth = 6:
/programs/stacks-1.48/bin/populations \
-P data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m6/rxstacks_corrected/ \
-b 3 \
-M data/sample_info/population_file_for_stacks_no_JJ-107.txt \
-t 4 \
-s \
-p 1 \
-r .6 \
-m 6 \
--write_single_snp \
--fstats \
--genomic \
--vcf \
--plink \
# Stack depth = 10:
/programs/stacks-1.48/bin/populations \
-P data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m10/rxstacks_corrected/ \
-b 4 \
-M data/sample_info/population_file_for_stacks_no_JJ-107.txt \
-t 4 \
-s \
-p 1 \
-r .6 \
-m 10 \
--write_single_snp \
--fstats \
--genomic \
--vcf \
--plink \
First, use vcftools to get a list of SNPs called per individual:
# m3
/programs/vcftools-v0.1.14/bin/vcf-stats data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m3/rxstacks_corrected/batch_1.vcf -p data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m3/rxstacks_corrected/batch_1.vcf.stats
# m6
/programs/vcftools-v0.1.14/bin/vcf-stats data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m6/rxstacks_corrected/batch_3.vcf -p data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m6/rxstacks_corrected/batch_3.vcf.stats
# m10
/programs/vcftools-v0.1.14/bin/vcf-stats data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m10/rxstacks_corrected/batch_4.vcf -p data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m10/rxstacks_corrected/batch_4.vcf.stats
Then, check number of SNPs called per sample
Create output directory:
mkdir -p results/3_optimizing_depth/
# m3
scripts/plot_variants_per_sample.R \
--vcf_stats_counts_file=data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m3/rxstacks_corrected/batch_1.vcf.stats.counts \
--desc=m3 \
# m6
scripts/plot_variants_per_sample.R \
--vcf_stats_counts_file=data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m6/rxstacks_corrected/batch_3.vcf.stats.counts \
--desc=m6 \
# m10
scripts/plot_variants_per_sample.R \
--vcf_stats_counts_file=data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m10/rxstacks_corrected/batch_4.vcf.stats.counts \
--desc=m10 \
For a depth of 3:
For a depth of 6:
For a depth of 10:
Second, examine mean coverage per loci in each depth. Filter out any locus that is more than 2 x SD higher than the mean coverage:
# m3
scripts/filter_SNPs_and_create_whitelist_for_populations.R \
--vcf.file=data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m3/rxstacks_corrected/batch_1.vcf \
--white.list.out=data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m3/rxstacks_corrected/ \
--plot.out=results/3_optimizing_depth/ \
# m6
scripts/filter_SNPs_and_create_whitelist_for_populations.R \
--vcf.file=data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m6/rxstacks_corrected/batch_3.vcf \
--white.list.out=data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m6/rxstacks_corrected/ \
--plot.out=results/3_optimizing_depth/ \
# m10
scripts/filter_SNPs_and_create_whitelist_for_populations.R \
--vcf.file=data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m10/rxstacks_corrected/batch_4.vcf \
--white.list.out=data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m10/rxstacks_corrected/ \
--plot.out=results/3_optimizing_depth/ \
Mean coverage before and after filtering (m3):
Third, rerun populations
using the whitelist to include only loci that are:
- i) biallelic (loci in VCF from previous step are biallelic only) and
- ii) not of very high coverage (>2SD + mean coverage)
Make output directories:
mkdir data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m3/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/
mkdir data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m6/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/
mkdir data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m10/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/
Rerun populations:
# Stack depth = 3:
/programs/stacks-1.48/bin/populations \
-P data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m3/rxstacks_corrected/ \
-b 1 \
-O data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m3/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/ \
-M data/sample_info/population_file_for_stacks_no_JJ-107.txt \
-W data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m3/rxstacks_corrected/whitelist_loci_after_coverage_filtering.txt \
-t 4 \
-s \
-p 1 \
-r .6 \
-m 3 \
--write_single_snp \
--fstats \
--genomic \
--vcf \
--plink \
--phylip \
# Stack depth = 6:
/programs/stacks-1.48/bin/populations \
-P data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m6/rxstacks_corrected/ \
-b 3 \
-O data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m6/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/ \
-M data/sample_info/population_file_for_stacks_no_JJ-107.txt \
-W data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m6/rxstacks_corrected/whitelist_loci_after_coverage_filtering.txt \
-t 4 \
-s \
-p 1 \
-r .6 \
-m 6 \
--write_single_snp \
--fstats \
--genomic \
--vcf \
--plink \
--phylip \
# Stack depth = 10:
/programs/stacks-1.48/bin/populations \
-P data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m10/rxstacks_corrected/ \
-b 4 \
-O data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m10/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/ \
-M data/sample_info/population_file_for_stacks_no_JJ-107.txt \
-W data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m10/rxstacks_corrected/whitelist_loci_after_coverage_filtering.txt \
-t 4 \
-s \
-p 1 \
-r .6 \
-m 10 \
--write_single_snp \
--fstats \
--genomic \
--vcf \
--plink \
--phylip \
One concern is that 5 individuals per population might be on the low side. To address this, samples were divided into four metapopulations, and statistics on those metapopulations calculated using populations.
The four metapopulations are as follows:
- “South China Sea” includes Guangdong2009/09
- “East China Sea” includes Fujian2009/09, Yangtze2005/05, Yangtze2006/06, Yangtze2007/07, Yangtze2008/08, Yangzte2009/09
- “Yellow Sea” includes Jiangsu2009/09
- “Pacific Ocean” includes Chibaken2001/01 and Kagawa2001/01)
First, make output directories for results:
# Make output directories:
mkdir data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m3/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/four_meta_populations/
mkdir data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m6/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/four_meta_populations/
mkdir data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m10/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/four_meta_populations/
Next, run populations for each stack depth:
Stack depth = 3:
/programs/stacks-1.48/bin/populations \
-P data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m3/rxstacks_corrected/ \
-b 1 \
-O data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m3/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/four_meta_populations/ \
-M data/sample_info/population_file_for_stacks_no_JJ-107_four_meta_populations.txt \
-W data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m3/rxstacks_corrected/whitelist_loci_after_coverage_filtering.txt \
-t 4 \
-s \
-p 1 \
-r 0.6 \
-m 3 \
--write_single_snp \
--fstats \
--genomic \
--vcf \
--plink \
--phylip \
Stack depth = 6:
/programs/stacks-1.48/bin/populations \
-P data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m6/rxstacks_corrected/ \
-b 3 \
-O data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m6/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/four_meta_populations/ \
-M data/sample_info/population_file_for_stacks_no_JJ-107_four_meta_populations.txt \
-W data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m6/rxstacks_corrected/whitelist_loci_after_coverage_filtering.txt \
-t 4 \
-s \
-p 1 \
-r 0.6 \
-m 6 \
--write_single_snp \
--fstats \
--genomic \
--vcf \
--plink \
--phylip \
Stack depth = 10:
/programs/stacks-1.48/bin/populations \
-P data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m10/rxstacks_corrected/ \
-b 4 \
-O data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m10/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/four_meta_populations/ \
-M data/sample_info/population_file_for_stacks_no_JJ-107_four_meta_populations.txt \
-W data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m10/rxstacks_corrected/whitelist_loci_after_coverage_filtering.txt \
-t 4 \
-s \
-p 1 \
-r 0.6 \
-m 10 \
--write_single_snp \
--fstats \
--genomic \
--vcf \
--plink \
--phylip \
The final datasets for each read depth are in the following directories on cbsulm06
- m3:
- m6:
- m10:
Stacks requires each batch of processing to have a batch number.
m3 was batch_1, m6 was batch_3, and m10 was batch_4.
In each of those folders, SNP called across all individuals are saved in multiple different formats.
In particular, the batch_*.vcf
and batch_*.plink.raw
files will be useful for further analyses.
SNPs saved in these files are:
- i) bi-allelic
- ii) in 60% of individuals in at least one population
- iii) filtered for coverage too deep (indicating a duplication/mapping issue)
- iv) filtered so that only one SNP per stack remains (to limit LD, first SNP position retained).
Additionally, output files from populations
live in this folder as well, including Fst calculations between all pairs of populations.
Note that all results from analyses are stored in the results/
If analyses were run for each of the three read depths, typically results are stored in sub-directories according to read depth (m3, m6, or m10).
For population-wide analyses, it seems like having more SNPs called per population gives more reliable results (m3), although results between m3 and m6 are largely consistent.
Some caution should be noted for examining m10 results.
Several samples have very few SNPs called using this threshold, which affects across population comparisons.
In particular, pairwise comparisons between some samples could not be made because they simply don't share overlapping SNPs.
Therefore, I would consider m3 results to be the most robust and would use those in the final analysis.
Make maps of where and when samples were taken:
Make plot of the number of loci per population at each stack depth and plot of the nucleotide diversity in each population:
scripts/plot_loci_per_population.R \
--m3=results/3_optimizing_depth/batch_1.sumstats_summary_tail.tsv \
--m6=results/3_optimizing_depth/batch_3.sumstats_summary_tail.tsv \
--m10=results/3_optimizing_depth/batch_4.sumstats_summary_tail.tsv \
--pop_info=data/sample_info/eelseq_sample_info_degrees_removed_corrected_with_names_coordinates_fixed.txt \
Look at genetic distance versus geographic distance and temporal distance. This script uses a Mantel test to assess significance:
scripts/plot_Fst_over_time_and_space.R \
--sumstats_summary=results/3_optimizing_depth/batch_1.sumstats_summary_tail.tsv \
--fst_summary=data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m3/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_1.fst_summary.tsv \
--desc=m3 \
There is a trend between genetic distance (Fst/(1 - Fst)) and geographic distance (lm p = 0.05907), but it is opposite of what we would expect to see:
There is not a relationship between genetic distance and temporal distance (lm p = 0.2369):
The first row of Table 2 comes from the log files from process_radtags
Here's information from each of the log files:
From /fs/cbsufsrv5/data2/japaneseEel/data/STACKS_processed/0_process_radtags_out_32_36_manli2/process_radtags.fastq_files_updated.log
File Retained Reads Low Quality Ambiguous Barcodes Ambiguous RAD-Tag Total
32_36_manli2_R1_merged.fastq.gz 55963714 253415 7841343 7186317 71244789
Total Sequences 71244789
Ambiguous Barcodes 7841343
Low Quality 253415
Ambiguous RAD-Tag 7186317
Retained Reads 55963714
From /fs/cbsufsrv5/data2/japaneseEel/data/STACKS_processed/0_process_radtags_out/process_radtags.fastq_files_updated.log
File Retained Reads Low Quality Ambiguous Barcodes Ambiguous RAD-Tag Total
32manli1_R1.fastq.gz 68699159 423170 9247278 10371910 88741517
Total Sequences 88741517
Ambiguous Barcodes 9247278
Low Quality 423170
Ambiguous RAD-Tag 10371910
Retained Reads 68699159
Sum those up: Total Sequences = 159,986,306 Ambiguous Barcodes = 17,088,621 Low Quality = 676,585 Ambiguous RAD-Tag = 17,558,227 Retained Reads = 124,662,873
The second row of Table 2 comes from the Bowtie .log files. Run this script to summarize the .log files:
scripts/analyze_bowtie_logs.R \
--inpath=/fs/cbsufsrv5/data2/japaneseEel/data/STACKS_processed/1_aligned_to_nuclear_genome_bowtie/ \
The final row of Table 2 comes from counting the lines in the catalog files generated by Stacks and the lines of the final VCF file (-11):
wc -l data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m3/batch_1.catalog.tags.tsv
# 214,210
wc -l data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m3/rxstacks_corrected/batch_1.catalog.tags.tsv
# 213,610
wc -l data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m3/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_1.vcf
# 106663 - 11 = 106,652
First, recode plink files to be in dosage format:
# m3:
/programs/plink-1.07-x86_64/plink --file data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m3/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_1.plink --recodeA --noweb --out data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m3/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_1.plink
# m6:
/programs/plink-1.07-x86_64/plink --file data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m6/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_3.plink --recodeA --noweb --out data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m6/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_3.plink
# m10:
/programs/plink-1.07-x86_64/plink --file data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m10/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_4.plink --recodeA --noweb --out data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m10/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_4.plink
Make directories to store analysis output:
mkdir -p results/4_Fst/m3/
mkdir -p results/4_Fst/m6/
mkdir -p results/4_Fst/m10/
Next, calculate the genetic distance between all pairs of individuals:
# m3
scripts/create_individual_distance_matrix.R \
--raw_file=data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m3/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_1.plink.raw \
--cores=12 \
# m6
scripts/create_individual_distance_matrix.R \
--raw_file=data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m6/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_3.plink.raw \
--cores=12 \
# m10
scripts/create_individual_distance_matrix.R \
--raw_file=data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m10/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_4.plink.raw \
--cores=12 \
Create trees based on pairwise Fst and individual genetic distances:
# m3
scripts/Fst_analyses_for_eelseq.R \
--fst_summary=data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m3/rxstacks_corrected/batch_1.fst_summary.tsv \
--desc=m3 \
--ind_dist=results/4_Fst/m3/table_pairwise_individual_genetic_distances.txt \
# m6
scripts/Fst_analyses_for_eelseq.R \
--fst_summary=data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m6/rxstacks_corrected/batch_3.fst_summary.tsv \
--desc=m6 \
--ind_dist=results/4_Fst/m6/table_pairwise_individual_genetic_distances.txt \
# m10
scripts/Fst_analyses_for_eelseq.R \
--fst_summary=data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m10/rxstacks_corrected/batch_4.fst_summary.tsv \
--desc=m10 \
--ind_dist=results/4_Fst/m10/table_pairwise_individual_genetic_distances.txt \
Using the stack depth=3 data (m3), we can see that the outgroup clusters separately and that there is very little divergence between any of the eel species. In addition, samples don't necessarily cluster by population/sampling date.
"rooted tree, created using UPGMA (m3 depth)"
Above, rooted tree created using UPGMA (m3 depth).
"unrooted tree, created using neighbor-joining (m3 depth)"
Above, unrooted tree created using neighbor-joining (m3 depth).
Additionally, examined pairwise genetic distances between all individuals. To do this, for all SNPs that a pair shared in common, the number of differences were summed and divided by 2/number of shared SNPs. This created a distance matrix that was then used to build the trees below. At the individual level, no apparent clustering by either population or year of sampling.
"unrooted tree, created using neighbor-joining (m3 depth")
Above, rooted tree of individual genetic distances (m3 depth)
"unrooted tree, created using neighbor-joining (m3 depth")
Above, unrooted tree of individual genetic distances (m3 depth)
Run admixture to discover population substructure/admixing.
First, need to remove crazy eel contig names as chromosome or admixture won't like the file:
scripts/convert_plink_chr_names_for_admixture.R --file=data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m3/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/
scripts/convert_plink_chr_names_for_admixture.R --file=data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m6/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/
scripts/convert_plink_chr_names_for_admixture.R --file=data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m10/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/
Second, copy ped file with new name:
cp data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m3/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_1.plink.ped data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m3/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_1.plink.for.admixture.ped
cp data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m6/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_3.plink.ped data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m6/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_3.plink.for.admixture.ped
cp data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m10/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_4.plink.ped data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m10/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_4.plink.for.admixture.ped
Third, use plink to convert to bed/bim/fam:
/programs/plink-1.9-x86_64-beta3.30/plink \
--file data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m3/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_1.plink.for.admixture \
--make-bed \
--allow-extra-chr \
--out data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m3/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_1.plink.for.admixture
/programs/plink-1.9-x86_64-beta3.30/plink \
--file data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m6/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_3.plink.for.admixture \
--make-bed \
--allow-extra-chr \
--out data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m6/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_3.plink.for.admixture
/programs/plink-1.9-x86_64-beta3.30/plink \
--file data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m10/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_4.plink.for.admixture \
--make-bed \
--allow-extra-chr \
--out data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m10/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_4.plink.for.admixture
Switch to the correct working directory and run admixture with the following parameters:
= use four processors-s
= set seed (1)--cv
= do cross validation-C
= set min delta to hit before declaring convergence (if float) or max iterations (int)$K
= number of populations (K)
For m3:
# switch to running directory:
cd results/5_admixture/m3/all_individuals/
# run admixture using different values of K:
for K in 1 2 3 4 6 8 10
/programs/admixture_linux-1.23/admixture -j4 -s 1 -C 0.01 --cv ../../../../data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m3/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_1.plink.for.admixture.bed $K | tee log${K}.out
#...Pull together a file of cross-validation errors
grep -h CV log*.out > admixture_cross_validations.txt
#...switch back to base directory
cd ../../../..
For m6:
cd results/5_admixture/m6/all_individuals/
for K in 1 2 3 4 6 8 10
/programs/admixture_linux-1.23/admixture -j4 -s 1 -C 0.01 --cv ../../../../data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m6/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_3.plink.for.admixture.bed $K | tee log${K}.out
#...Pull together a file of cross-validation errors
grep -h CV log*.out > admixture_cross_validations.txt
#...switch back to base directory
cd ../../../..
cd results/5_admixture/m10/all_individuals/
for K in 1 2 3 4 6 8 10
/programs/admixture_linux-1.23/admixture -j4 -s 1 -C 0.01 --cv ../../../../data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m10/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_4.plink.for.admixture.bed $K | tee log${K}.out
#...Pull together a file of cross-validation errors
grep -h CV log*.out > admixture_cross_validations.txt
#...switch back to base directory
cd ../../../..
Plot optimal number of K for each depth:
for i in m3 m6 m10
scripts/plot_admixture_CVs.R \
--cv_file=results/5_admixture/$i/all_individuals/admixture_cross_validations.txt \
The optimal number of populations for m3 and m6 is 2, which makes sense given the two species. The optimal number of populations for m10 is 4 (although 5 was not tested).
Create admixture barplots for optimal K for each depth.
scripts/plot_admixture_barchart.R \
--Q_file=results/5_admixture/m3/all_individuals/batch_1.plink.for.admixture.2.Q \
--fam_file=data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m3/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_1.plink.for.admixture.fam \
--K=2 \
scripts/plot_admixture_barchart.R \
--Q_file=results/5_admixture/m6/all_individuals/batch_3.plink.for.admixture.2.Q \
--fam_file=data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m6/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_3.plink.for.admixture.fam \
--K=2 \
scripts/plot_admixture_barchart.R \
--Q_file=results/5_admixture/m10/all_individuals/batch_4.plink.for.admixture.4.Q \
--fam_file=data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m10/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_4.plink.for.admixture.fam \
--K=4 \
First, use plink to exclude the Hainan individuals
/programs/plink-1.9-x86_64-beta3.30/plink --file data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m3/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_1.plink.for.admixture --remove results/1_general_info/hainan_individuals_to_remove_in_plink.txt --out data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m3/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_1.plink.for.admixture_no_outgroup --make-bed
/programs/plink-1.9-x86_64-beta3.30/plink --file data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m6/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_3.plink.for.admixture --remove results/1_general_info/hainan_individuals_to_remove_in_plink.txt --out data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m6/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_3.plink.for.admixture_no_outgroup --make-bed
/programs/plink-1.9-x86_64-beta3.30/plink --file data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m10/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_4.plink.for.admixture --remove results/1_general_info/hainan_individuals_to_remove_in_plink.txt --out data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m10/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_4.plink.for.admixture_no_outgroup --make-bed
Second, eliminate SNPs with all missing genotypes from analysis
/programs/plink-1.9-x86_64-beta3.30/plink --bfile data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m3/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_1.plink.for.admixture_no_outgroup --geno 0.95 --make-bed --out data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m3/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_1.plink.for.admixture_no_outgroup_genotype_filtered
/programs/plink-1.9-x86_64-beta3.30/plink --bfile data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m6/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_3.plink.for.admixture_no_outgroup --geno 0.95 --make-bed --out data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m6/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_3.plink.for.admixture_no_outgroup_genotype_filtered
/programs/plink-1.9-x86_64-beta3.30/plink --bfile data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m10/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_4.plink.for.admixture_no_outgroup --geno 0.95 --make-bed --out data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m10/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_4.plink.for.admixture_no_outgroup_genotype_filtered
Third, make output directories:
mkdir -p results/5_admixture/m3/no_outgroup/
mkdir -p results/5_admixture/m6/no_outgroup/
mkdir -p results/5_admixture/m10/no_outgroup/
Fourth, run admixture. Admixture program will only save output to working directory, so create working directories for each iteration:
= use four processors-s
= set seed (1)--cv
= do cross validation-C
= set min delta to hit before declaring convergence (if float) or max iterations (int)$K
= number of populations (K)
Switch to the correct working directory and run admixture with the following parameters:
For m3:
cd results/5_admixture/m3/no_outgroup/
for K in 1 2 3 4 6 8 10
/programs/admixture_linux-1.23/admixture -j4 -s 1 -C 0.01 --cv ../../../../data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m3/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_1.plink.for.admixture_no_outgroup_genotype_filtered.bed $K | tee log${K}.out
#...Pull together a file of cross-validation errors
grep -h CV log*.out > admixture_cross_validations.txt
#...switch back to base directory
cd ../../../..
For m6:
cd results/5_admixture/m6/no_outgroup/
for K in 1 2 3 4 6 8 10
/programs/admixture_linux-1.23/admixture -j4 -s 1 -C 0.01 --cv ../../../../data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m6/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_3.plink.for.admixture_no_outgroup_genotype_filtered.bed $K | tee log${K}.out
#...Pull together a file of cross-validation errors
grep -h CV log*.out > admixture_cross_validations.txt
#...switch back to base directory
cd ../../../..
cd results/5_admixture/m10/no_outgroup/
for K in 1 2 3 4 6 8 10
/programs/admixture_linux-1.23/admixture -j4 -s 1 -C 0.01 --cv ../../../../data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m10/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_4.plink.for.admixture_no_outgroup_genotype_filtered.bed $K | tee log${K}.out
#...Pull together a file of cross-validation errors
grep -h CV log*.out > admixture_cross_validations.txt
#...switch back to base directory
cd ../../../..
Plot the cross validation rate for the different values of K:
for i in m3 m6 m10
scripts/plot_admixture_CVs.R \
--cv_file=results/5_admixture/$i/no_outgroup/admixture_cross_validations.txt \
Cross validation error rate for m3:
Cross validation error rate for m6:
Cross validation error rate for m10:
For all stack depths (3, 6, and 10), the lowest cross-validation error rate is seen at K = 1, lending support for panmixia.
Use Plink to run PCA for all individuals:
/programs/plink-1.9-x86_64-beta3.30/plink --bfile data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m3/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_1.plink.for.admixture --pca 59 --out data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m3/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_1.plink.for.admixture.pca
/programs/plink-1.9-x86_64-beta3.30/plink --bfile data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m6/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_3.plink.for.admixture --pca 59 --out data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m6/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_3.plink.for.admixture.pca
/programs/plink-1.9-x86_64-beta3.30/plink --bfile data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m10/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_4.plink.for.admixture --pca 59 --out data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m10/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_4.plink.for.admixture.pca
Perform PCA, excluding Hainan population (the outgroup)
/programs/plink-1.9-x86_64-beta3.30/plink --bfile data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m3/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_1.plink.for.admixture --pca 54 --out data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m3/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/ --remove results/1_general_info/hainan_individuals_to_remove_in_plink.txt
/programs/plink-1.9-x86_64-beta3.30/plink --bfile data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m6/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_3.plink.for.admixture --pca 54 --out data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m6/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/ --remove results/1_general_info/hainan_individuals_to_remove_in_plink.txt
/programs/plink-1.9-x86_64-beta3.30/plink --bfile data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m10/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_4.plink.for.admixture --pca 54 --out data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m10/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/ --remove results/1_general_info/hainan_individuals_to_remove_in_plink.txt
Plot first two principal components:
mkdir -p results/6_PCA/m3/
mkdir -p results/6_PCA/m6/
mkdir -p results/6_PCA/m10/
scripts/plot_PCA.R \
--full_plink_in=data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m3/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_1.plink.for.admixture.pca \
--part_plink_in=data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m3/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/ \
scripts/plot_PCA.R \
--full_plink_in=data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m6/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_3.plink.for.admixture.pca \
--part_plink_in=data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m6/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/ \
scripts/plot_PCA.R \
--full_plink_in=data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m10/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_4.plink.for.admixture.pca \
--part_plink_in=data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m10/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/ \
The following script uses an ANOVA followed by TukeyHSD to identify significant differences between each pair of populations in the study:
scripts/ANOVA_script.R \
--sumstats_file=data/STACKS_processed/4_depth_optimization/m3/rxstacks_corrected/coverage_filtered/batch_1.sumstats.tsv \
The following script (from Andy Clark) demonstrates that Fst is accurately calculated using large numbers of variants, even with small population sizes (n = 5, as in this manuscript):
This produces a text table at results/1_general_info/stats_for_paper.txt
that lists all of the statistics reported in the text of the manuscript.